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RenderDay object

The RenderDay client object represents a day in the calendar. It is available through the eventArgs of the OnDayRender, OnDateClick, OnDateSelected, and OnDateSelecting client-side events.

The following tables lists the most important properties and methods of the ASP NET AJAX Calendar object:

Name Parameters Return Type Description
get_date none Array (triplet) returns the triplet for the day represented by the render day object.
set_date Array (triplet) none sets the date of the render day object to the date encoded by the triplet.
get_isWeekend none boolean returns true if the day falls on a weekend.
get_isToday none boolean returns true if the day has today's date.
get_isSelected none boolean returns true if the day is selected.
get_isSelectable none boolean returns true if the day can be selected.
DayRow none integer The zero-based index of the row of the calendar view in which the day appears.
DayColumn none integer The zero-based index of the column of the calendar view in which the day appears.
RadCalendar none RadCalendar The calendar that contains the day.
RadCalendarView none RadCalendarView The month view in which the day appears.
DomElement none DOM element The DOM element for the day cell.
IsRecurring none integer Indicates the recurrence patterns that include the day. The value is one of the following - 1: DayInMonth; 2: DayAndMonth; 4: Week; 8: WeekAndMonth; 16: Today; 32: None


Name Parameters Return Type Description
Click none none simulates a mouse click on the day.
Select boolean none selects or un-selects the day.
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