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CSS Skin Selectors

The following table lists significant CSS selectors and descriptions that apply to the ASP NET AJAX Calendar controls in RadCalendar style sheets.

The "[skin]" that appears in class names is a placeholder for the name of the skin.

Class Name Element Description
.RadCalendar_[skin] TABLE The class for the table that lays out the entire RadCalendar control.
.rcTitlebar TD The class for the table cell that contains the titlebar of a calendar.
.rcTitle TD The class for the titlebar table cell that contains the current month/year.
.rcFastPrev, .rcPrev, .rcNext, .rcFastNext A The class for the navigation buttons inside the titlebar.
.rcMain TD The class for the table cell that wraps the main calendar area.
.rcMainTable TABLE The class for the table that lays out the main calendar area.
.rcWeek TR The class for the table row that contains the column headers (which are TH elements).
.rcWeekend TD The class for selectable weekend days in the day matrix that are not selected, hovered, or belonging to a non-focused month.
.rcHover TD The class for the cells in the day matrix when the mouse hovers over them or over a selector in the row or column headers.
.rcSelected TD The class for selected dates in the day matrix.
.rcToday TD The class for the cell in the day matrix that represents "today".
.rcDisabled TD The class for cells in the day matrix that are disabled.
.rcOtherMonth TD The class for cells in the day matrix that represent days in a month other than the focused month.
.rcOutOfRange TD The class for cells in the day matrix that are earlier than the minimum selectable date or later than the maximum selectable date.
.RadCalendarMonthView_[skin] TABLE The class for the month/year navigation popup.
#rcMView_PrevY A The class for the "<<" button that scrolls the year values in the month/year navigation popup.
#rcMView_NextY A The class for the ">>" button that scrolls the year values in the month/year navigation popup.
#rcMView_Jan A The class for the January selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Feb A The class for the February selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Mar A The class for the March selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Apr A The class for the April selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_May A The class for the May selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Jun A The class for the June selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Jul A The class for the July selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Aug A The class for the August selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Sep A The class for the September selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Oct A The class for the October selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Nov A The class for the November selector in the month/year navigation popup
#rcMView_Dec A The class for the December selector in the month/year navigation popup
.rcSelected TD The class for the selected month or year in the month/year navigation popup.
.rcButtons TABLE The class for the cells at the bottom of the month/year navigation popup that contain the "Today", "Ok", and "Cancel" buttons.
.RadCalendarTimeView_[skin] TABLE The class for the table that lays out the elements of a RadTimeView control.
.rcHeader TH The class for the header of a RadTimeView control
.rcFooter TD The class for the footer of a RadTimeView control
.rcHover TD The class for a selectable time value when the mouse hovers over it in a RadTimeView control.
.rcDisabled TD The class for a disabled time value in a RadTimeView control.
.RadPicker_[skin] DIV The class for the top-level element of a RadDatePicker , RadTimePicker , or RadDateTimePicker control.
.RadInput_[skin] SPAN The class for the input area in a RadDatePicker , RadTimePicker , or RadDateTimePicker control. This class is defined in the RadInput skin CSS files, but can appear, qualified by the .RadPicker_[skin] class in the Calendar skin CSS files.
.rcCalPopup A The class for the DatePopupButton in a RadDatePicker or RadDateTimePicker control.
.rcTimePopup A The class for the TimePopupButton in a RadTimePicker or RadDateTimePicker control.

See Also

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