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RadTreeList Excel export settings

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
  • Telerik.Web.UI.TreeListExcelExportSettings : IDisposable


AlternatingItemStyle TreeListExcelStyle

Excel export alternating item style

ExpandCollapseCellStyle TreeListExcelExpandCollapseCellStyle

Excel export expand/collapse cell style

FooterItemStyle TreeListExcelStyle

Excel export footer item style

Format TreeListExcelFormat

Determines the Excel format used

HeaderStyle TreeListExcelStyle

Excel export header style

ItemStyle TreeListExcelStyle

Excel export item style

PageBottomMargin Unit

Determines the margin between the bottom of the page and the beginning of the page content

Used to set the page footer of the exported worksheet

Used to set the page header of the exported worksheet

PageLeftMargin Unit

Determines the margin between the left side of the page and the beginning of the page content

PageRightMargin Unit

Determines the margin between the right side of the page and the beginning of the page content

PageTopMargin Unit

Determines the margin between the top of the page and the beginning of the page content

PaperSize PaperKind

Excel paper size

RotatePaper Boolean

This will swap the values of the PageWidth and PageHeight properties.

ShowGridlines Boolean

Determines whether the gridlines will be enabled in the worksheet

WorksheetName String

Set the name of the worksheet



Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.




Returns the paper dimensions in SizeF object


PaperFormat.xml resource is based on the PaperKind enumeration.


paperKind System.Drawing.Printing.PaperKind

PaperKind value to be converted to SizeF object



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