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A column type for the RadTreeList control that displays a button in each corresponding cell inside all rendered Telerik.Web.UI.TreeListDataItem instances.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
  • Telerik.Web.UI.TreeListColumn : IComparable
  • Telerik.Web.UI.TreeListButtonColumn


ButtonCssClass String

Gets or sets the CssClass of the button

ButtonType TreeListButtonColumnType

Gets or sets a value indicating the type of the button that will be rendered. The type should be one of the specified by the enumeration.

ColumnType String

Returns a string which represents the type of the current column.

CommandArgument String

Gets or sets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated

CommandName String

Gets or sets a value defining the name of the command that will be fired when a button in this column is clicked.

ConfirmDialogHeight Unit

Gets or sets the height of the Confirm Dialog (if it is a RadWindow)

ConfirmDialogType TreeListConfirmDialogType

Gets or sets what kind of confirm dialog will be used in a .

ConfirmDialogWidth Unit

Gets or sets the width of the Confirm Dialog (if it is a RadWindow)

ConfirmText String

Gets or sets the text that will be shown on the confirmation dialog when a button in this column is clicked. The prompt is automatically enabled when this property is set.

ConfirmTextFields String

Gets or sets a string, representing a comma-separated enumeration of DataFields from the data source, which will be applied to the formatting specified in the ConfirmTextFormatString property.

ConfirmTextFormatString String

Gets or sets a string, specifying the FormatString of the ConfirmText.

ConfirmTitle String

Gets or sets the title that will be shown on the RadWindow confirmation dialog when a button in this column is clicked.

DataTextField String

Gets or sets a value representing a field from the specified data source. The Text property of the rendered button will then be bound to this field.

DataTextFormatString String

Gets or sets the string that specifies the formatting applied to the value bound to the Text property.

DesignMode Boolean

Indicates if the control is in design-mode.

Display Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cells corresponding to a column would be rendered with a 'display:none' style attribute (end-user-not-visible). To completely prevent cells from rendering, set the property to false, instead of the Display property.

FooterText String

Use the FooterText property to specify your own or determine the current text for the footer section of the column.

HeaderStyle TableItemStyle

Style of the cell in the header item of the RadTreeList, corresponding to the column.

HeaderText String

Gets or sets the text which will appear in the header cell of the column.

HeaderTooltip String

Gets or sets the tooltip of the header cell.

ImageUrl String

Gets or sets a value indicating the URL for the image that will be used in a Image button. should be set to ImageButton.

ItemStyle TableItemStyle

Style of the cell in the item of the RadTreeList, corresponding to the column.

MaxWidth Unit

Gets or sets maximum width of the column. Used when resizing.

MinWidth Unit

Gets or sets minimum width of the column. Used when resizing.

OrderIndex Int32

Gets or sets the order index of column used when reordering the columns.

Owner RadTreeList

Gets a reference to the object to which the column belongs

Reorderable Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column can be reordered client-side.

Resizable Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column can be resized client-side. You can use this property, by setting it to false, to disable resizing for a particular column, while preserving this functionality for all the other columns.

Sortable Boolean

Should override if sorting will be disabled

SortExpression String

The string representing a filed-name from the DataSource that should be used when grid sorts by this column.

Text String

Gets or sets a value indicating the text that will be shown for a button.

ToolTip String

Gets or sets the tooltip for each of buttons.

UniqueName String

Each column in Telerik RadTreeList has an UniqueName property (string). This property is assigned automatically by the designer (or the first time you want to access the columns if they are built dynamically).

Visible Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the column and all corresponding cells would be rendered.



By default returns the SortExpression of the column. If the SortExpression is not set explicitly, it would be calculated, based on the DataField of the column.




Initializes one by one the cells which belong to the column. These could be data, header and footer cells.


cell System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell

The cell which will be set up.

columnIndex System.Int32

The index of the column to which the cell belongs.

inItem Telerik.Web.UI.TreeListItem

The TreeListItem to which the cell will be added.




Prepares the cell of the given item when the treelist is rendered.



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