The localization strings to be used in RadSpreadsheet.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.LocalizationStrings
- Telerik.Web.UI.SpreadsheetStrings
ConfirmationDialogCancel String
Gets or sets the text of the confirmation dialog cancel button.
ConfirmationDialogOK String
Gets or sets the text of the confirmation dialog ok button.
ConfirmationDialogText String
Gets or sets the text of the confirmation dialog.
ConfirmationDialogTitle String
Gets or sets the title of the confirmation dialog.
ContextMenuCopy String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu copy command.
ContextMenuCut String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu cut command.
ContextMenuDeleteColumn String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu delete column command.
ContextMenuDeleteRow String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu delete row command.
ContextMenuHideColumn String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu hide column command.
ContextMenuHideRow String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu hide row command.
ContextMenuPaste String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu paste command.
ContextMenuUnhideRow String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu unhide row command.
ContextMenuUnideColumn String
Gets or sets the text of the context menu unhide column command.
CustomFormatCancel String
Gets or sets the custom format cancel text.
CustomFormatCurrency String
Gets or sets the custom format currency text.
CustomFormatDateTime String
Gets or sets the custom format datetime text.
CustomFormatNumber String
Gets or sets the custom format number text.
CustomFormatSave String
Gets or sets the custom format save text.
FilterMenuApply String
Gets or sets the filter menu apply text.
FilterMenuClear String
Gets or sets the filter menu clear text.
FilterMenuClearSorting String
Gets or sets the filter menu clear sorting text.
FilterMenuDateIs String
Gets or sets the filter menu date is text.
FilterMenuDateIsAfter String
Gets or sets the filter menu date is after text.
FilterMenuDateIsBefore String
Gets or sets the filter menu date is before text.
FilterMenuDateIsNot String
Gets or sets the filter menu date is not text.
FilterMenuFilterByCondition String
Gets or sets the filter menu filter by condition text.
FilterMenuFilterByValue String
Gets or sets the filter menu filter by value text.
FilterMenuIsEqualTo String
Gets or sets the filter menu is equal to text.
FilterMenuIsGreaterThan String
Gets or sets the filter menu is greater than text.
FilterMenuIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo String
Gets or sets the filter menu is greater than or equal to text.
FilterMenuIsLessThan String
Gets or sets the filter menu is less than text.
FilterMenuIsLessThanOrEqualTo String
Gets or sets the filter menu is less than or equal to text.
FilterMenuIsNotEqualTo String
Gets or sets the filter menu is not equal to text.
FilterMenuNone String
Gets or sets the filter menu none text.
FilterMenuSortAscending String
Gets or sets the filter menu sort ascending text.
FilterMenuSortDescending String
Gets or sets the filter menu sort descending text.
FilterMenuTextContains String
Gets or sets the filter menu text contains text.
FilterMenuTextDoesNotContain String
Gets or sets the filter menu text does not contain text.
FilterMenuTextEndsWith String
Gets or sets the filter menu text ends with text.
FilterMenuTextStartsWith String
Gets or sets the filter menu text starts with text.
FormatDialogTitle String
Gets or sets the title of the format dialog.
HyperlinkCancel String
Gets or sets the hyperlink cancel text.
HyperlinkRemove String
Gets or sets the hyperlink remove text.
HyperlinkSave String
Gets or sets the hyperlink save text.
HyperlinkTitle String
Gets or sets the hyperlink title text.
HyperlinkUrl String
Gets or sets the hyperlink url label text.
InsertComment String
The comment of the cell - a tooltip that appears when the cell is hovered.
MessageDialogDuplicateSheetName String
Gets or sets the text of the duplicate sheet name dialog.
MessageDialogIncompatibleRanges String
Gets or sets the text of the incompatible ranges dialog.
MessageDialogModifyMerged String
Gets or sets the text of the modify merged dialog.
MessageDialogNoFillDirection String
Gets or sets the text of the no fill direction dialog.
MessageDialogOverflow String
Gets or sets the text of the overflow dialog.
MessageDialogRangeDisabled String
Gets or sets the text of the range disabled dialog.
MessageDialogUnsupportedSelection String
Gets or sets the text of the unsupported selection dialog.
MessageDialogUseKeyboardOK String
Gets or sets the text of the use keyboard message dialog ok button.
MessageDialogUseKeyboardText String
Gets or sets the text of the use keyboard message dialog.
MessageDialogUseKeyboardTitle String
Gets or sets the title of the use keyboard message dialog.
ToolBarAddColumnLeft String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar add column left tool.
ToolBarAddColumnRight String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar add column right tool.
ToolBarAddRowAbove String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar add row above tool.
ToolBarAddRowBelow String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar add row below tool.
ToolBarAlignBottom String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar align bottom tool.
ToolBarAlignCenter String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar align center tool.
ToolBarAlignJustify String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar align justify tool.
ToolBarAlignLeft String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar align left tool.
ToolBarAlignMiddle String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar align middle tool.
ToolBarAlignRight String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar align right tool.
ToolBarAlignTop String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar align top tool.
ToolBarBackgroundColor String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar background color tool.
ToolBarBold String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar bold tool.
ToolBarBorderColor String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar border color tool.
ToolBarBordersAll String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders all tool.
ToolBarBordersBottom String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders bottom tool.
ToolBarBordersInside String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders inside tool.
ToolBarBordersInsideHorizontal String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders inside horizontal tool.
ToolBarBordersInsideVertical String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders inside vertical tool.
ToolBarBordersLeft String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders left tool.
ToolBarBordersNo String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders no tool.
ToolBarBordersOutside String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders outside tool.
ToolBarBordersRight String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders right tool.
ToolBarBordersTop String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar borders top tool.
ToolBarCopy String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar copy tool.
ToolBarCut String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar cut tool.
ToolBarData String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar data tab.
ToolBarDeleteCells String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar delete cells tool.
ToolBarDeleteColumn String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar delete column tool.
ToolBarDeleteRow String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar delete row tool.
ToolBarFilter String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar filter tool.
ToolBarFontFamily String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar font family tool.
ToolBarFontSize String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar font size tool.
ToolBarFormat String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format tool.
ToolBarFormatAutomatic String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format automatic tool.
ToolBarFormatCurrency String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format currency tool.
ToolBarFormatDate String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format date tool.
ToolBarFormatDateTime String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format date time tool.
ToolBarFormatDecreaseDecimal String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format decrease decimal tool.
ToolBarFormatDuration String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format duration tool.
ToolBarFormatFinancial String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format financial tool.
ToolBarFormatIncreaseDecimal String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format increase decimal tool.
ToolBarFormatNumber String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format number tool.
ToolBarFormatPercent String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format percent tool.
ToolBarFormatTime String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format time tool.
ToolBarFreezeColumns String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format freeze columns tool.
ToolBarFreezePanes String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format freeze panes tool.
ToolBarFreezeRows String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format freeze rows tool.
ToolBarGridLines String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar grid lines tool.
ToolBarHome String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar home tab.
ToolBarHorizontalAlignment String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar horizontal alignment tool.
ToolBarHyperlink String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar hyperlink tool.
ToolBarInsert String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar insert tab.
ToolBarInsertCells String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar insert cells tool.
ToolBarItalic String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar italic tool.
ToolBarMergeCells String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar merge cells tool.
ToolBarMergeHorizontally String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar merge horizontally tool.
ToolBarMergeVertically String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar merge vertically tool.
ToolBarMoreFormats String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar more formats tool.
ToolBarPaste String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar paste tool.
ToolBarRedo String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar redo tool.
ToolBarSave String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar save tool.
ToolBarSort String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar sort tool.
ToolBarSortAscending String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar sort ascending tool.
ToolBarSortDescending String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar sort descending tool.
ToolBarTextColor String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar text color tool.
ToolBarTextWrap String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar text wrap tool.
ToolBarUnderline String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar underline tool.
ToolBarUndo String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar undo tool.
ToolBarUnfreeze String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar format unfreeze panes tool.
ToolBarUnmerge String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar unmerge tool.
ToolBarValidation String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar validation tool.
ToolBarVerticalAlignment String
Gets or sets the text of the toolbar vertical alignment tool.
ValidationAny String
Gets or sets the validation any value text.
ValidationBetween String
Gets or sets the validation between text.
ValidationCancel String
Gets or sets the validation cancel text.
ValidationCriteria String
Gets or sets the validation criteria text.
ValidationCustomFormula String
Gets or sets the validation custom formula text.
ValidationCustomValueRequired String
Gets or sets the validation custom value required text.
ValidationData String
Gets or sets the validation data text.
ValidationDate String
Gets or sets the validation date text.
ValidationDateMaxRequired String
Gets or sets the validation max date required text.
ValidationDateMinRequired String
Gets or sets the validation min date required text.
ValidationDialogTitle String
Gets or sets the title of the validation dialog.
ValidationEqualTo String
Gets or sets the validation equal to text.
ValidationGreaterThan String
Gets or sets the validation greater than text.
ValidationGreaterThanOrEqualTo String
Gets or sets the validation greater than or equal to text.
ValidationHintEmptyMessage String
Gets or sets the validation hint empty message text.
ValidationHintMessage String
Gets or sets the validation hint message text.
ValidationIgnoreBlank String
Gets or sets the validation ignore blank text.
ValidationLessThan String
Gets or sets the validation less than text.
ValidationLessThanOrEqualTo String
Gets or sets the validation less than or equal to text.
ValidationList String
Gets or sets the validation list text.
ValidationMax String
Gets or sets the validation max text.
ValidationMin String
Gets or sets the validation min text.
ValidationNotBetween String
Gets or sets the validation not between text.
ValidationNotEqualTo String
Gets or sets the validation not equal to text.
ValidationNumber String
Gets or sets the validation number text.
ValidationNumberMaxRequired String
Gets or sets the validation max number required text.
ValidationNumberMinRequired String
Gets or sets the validation min number required text.
ValidationOnInvalidData String
Gets or sets the validation on invalid data text.
ValidationReject String
Gets or sets the validation reject text.
ValidationRemove String
Gets or sets the validation remove text.
ValidationSave String
Gets or sets the validation save text.
ValidationShowCalendarButton String
Gets or sets the validation show calendar button text.
ValidationShowListButton String
Gets or sets the validation show list button text.
ValidationText String
Gets or sets the validation text text.
ValidationTextValueRequired String
Gets or sets the validation text value required text.
ValidationValue String
Gets or sets the validation value text.
ValidationWarning String
Gets or sets the validation warning text.