This Class defiens the RadTreeNode object.
The Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeView RadTreeViewcontrol is made up of nodes. Nodes which are immediate children of the treeview are root nodes. Nodes which are children of root nodes are child nodes. A node usually stores data in two properties, the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode.Text Textproperty and the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode.Value Valueproperty. The value of the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode.Text Textproperty is displayed in the RadTreeViewcontrol, and the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode.Value Valueproperty is used to store additional data. To create tree nodes, use one of the following methods:bullet Use declarative syntax to define nodes inline in your page or user control. Use one of the constructors to dynamically create new instances of the Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode RadTreeNodeclass. These nodes can then be added to the Nodescollection of another node or treeview. Data bind the RadTreeViewcontrol to a data source. When the user clicks a tree node, the RadTreeViewcontrol can navigate to a linked Web page, post back to the server or select that node. If the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode.NavigateUrl NavigateUrlproperty of a node is set, the RadTreeViewcontrol navigates to the linked page. By default, a linked page is displayed in the same window or frame. To display the linked content in a different window or frame, use the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode.Target Targetproperty.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- System.Web.UI.Control
- System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
- Telerik.Web.UI.ControlItem : IMarkableStateManager, INamingContainer, IStateManager, IXmlSerializable
- Telerik.Web.UI.NavigationItem : IControlItemContainer
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode : ICloneable, IRadTreeNodeContainer, ITreeNodeBase
AccessKey String
Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.
AllowDrag Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node can be dragged and dropped.
AllowDrop Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the use can drag and drop nodes over this node.
AllowEdit Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the use can edit the text of the node.
Category String
Gets or sets the category of the node.
The Category property is similar to the Value property. You can use it to associate custom data with the node.
Checkable Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node is checkable. A checkbox control is rendered for checkable nodes.
If the CheckBoxes property set to true, RadTreeView automatically displays a checkbox next to each node. You can set the Checkable property to false for nodes that do not need to display a checkbox.
Checked Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node is checked or not.
CheckState TreeNodeCheckState
Gets the checked state of the tree node
ContentCssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied to the content wrapper of the node.
You can use the ContentCssClass property to specify unique appearance for a node content area and its children. Useful when using CSS sprites.
ContextMenuID String
Gets or sets a value indicating the ID of the displayed for the current node.
If the ContextMenuID property is not set the first context menu from the collection will be used.
CssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied by default to the node.
By default the visual appearance of hovered nodes is defined in the skin CSS file. You can use the CssClass property to specify unique appearance for the node.
DataItem Object
Gets the data item that is bound to the node
This property is applicable only during data binding. Use it along with the NodeDataBound event to perform additional mapping of fields from the data item to RadTreeNode properties.
DisabledCssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied to the node when it is disabled.
By default the visual appearance of disabled nodes is defined in the skin CSS file. You can use the DisabledCssClass property to specify unique appearance for a node when it is disabled.
DisabledImageUrl String
Gets or sets a value specifying the URL of the image rendered when the node is disabled.
If the DisabledImageUrl property is not set the ImageUrl property will be used when the node is disabled.
EnableContextMenu Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a context menu should be displayed for the current node.
Use the EnableContextMenu property to disable the context menu for particular nodes.
Enabled Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node is enabled.
Disabled nodes cannot be clicked, or expanded.
Expanded Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node is expanded.
ExpandedImageUrl String
Gets or sets a value specifying the URL of the image rendered when the node is expanded.
If the ExpandedImageUrl property is not set the ImageUrl property will be used when the node is expanded.
ExpandMode TreeNodeExpandMode
Gets or sets the expand behavior of the tree node.
When set to ExpandMode.ServerSide the RadTreeView will fire a server event (NodeExpand) so you can populate the node on demand.
FullPath String
Gets the full path (location) of the node.
HoveredCssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied to the node when the mouse hovers it.
By default the visual appearance of hovered nodes is defined in the skin CSS file. You can use the HoveredCssClass property to specify unique appearance for a node when it is hoevered.
HoveredImageUrl String
Gets or sets a value specifying the URL of the image rendered when the node is hovered with the mouse.
If the HoveredImageUrl property is not set the ImageUrl property will be used when the node is hovered.
ID String
The ID property is reserved for internal use. Please use the Value property or use the Attributes collection if you need to assign custom data to the item.
ImageUrl String
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed next to the text of a node.
Use the ImageUrl property to specify a custom image that will be displayed before the text of the current node.
Index Int32
Gets the zero based index of the item.
Level Int32
Gets the level of the node.
LongDesc String
A Section 508 element
NavigateUrl String
Gets or sets the URL to navigate to when the current node is clicked.
Setting the NavigateUrl property will disable node selection and as a result the NodeClick event won't be raised for the current node.
Next RadTreeNode
Gets the next sibling of the node.
Nodes RadTreeNodeCollection
Gets a object that contains the child nodes of the current RadTreeNode.
Use the Nodes property to access the child nodes of the RadTreeNode. You can also use the Nodes property to manage the child nodes - you can add, remove or modify nodes.
NodeTemplate ITemplate
Gets or sets the template for displaying the node.
Owner IRadTreeNodeContainer
Gets the parent IRadTreeNodeContainer.
ParentNode RadTreeNode
Gets the parent node of the current node.
PostBack Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether clicking on the node will postback.
If you subscribe to the NodeClick all nodes will postback. To turn off that behavior you can set the PostBack property to false.
Prev RadTreeNode
Gets the previous sibling of the node. Gets the previous node sibling in the tree structure or returns null if this is the first node in the respective node group.
Selected Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the node is selected.
By default, only one node can be selected. You can enable multiple node selection by setting the MultipleSelect property of the parent RadTreeView to true
SelectedCssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when node is selected.
By default the visual appearance of selected nodes is defined in the skin CSS file. You can use the SelectedCssClass property to specify unique appearance for a node when it is selected.
SelectedImageUrl String
Gets or sets a value specifying the URL of the image rendered when the node is selected.
If the SelectedImageUrl property is not set the ImageUrl property will be used when the node is selected.
Target String
Gets or sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content associated with the current node.
Use the Target property to target window or frame in which to display the Web page content associated with the current node. The Web page is specified by the NavigateUrl property.
If this property is not set, the Web page specified by the
NavigateUrl property is loaded in the current window.
The Target property is taken into consideration only when the NavigateUrl
property is set.
Text String
Gets or sets the text displayed for the current node.
Use the Text property to specify or determine the text that is displayed for the node in the RadTreeView control.
ToolTip String
Gets or sets the tooltip shown for the node when the user hovers it with the mouse
The ToolTip property is also used as the alt attribute of the node image (in case is set)
TreeView RadTreeView
Gets the RadTreeView which the node is part of.
Value String
Gets or sets custom (user-defined) data associated with the current node.
Use the Value property to associate custom data with a RadTreeNode object.
Checks all child nodes of the current node.
Creates a copy of the current object.
Use the Clone method to create a copy of the current node. All properties of the clone are set to the same values as the current ones. Child nodes are copied as well.
A which is a copy of the current one.
Collapses recursively all child nodes of the node.
Expands all parent nodes of the node.
Expands all child nodes of the node.
Expands all parent nodes of the node.
Gets a linear list of all nodes in the RadTreeNode.
1` An IList
Returns the full path (location) of the node delimited by the specified character.
delimiter System.String
The character to use as a delimiter
Returns the full path of the node delimited by the specified character.
Inserts a node after the current node.
node Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode
The node to be inserted.
Inserts a node before the current node.
node Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode
The node to be inserted.
Checks if the current node is ancestor of another node.
node Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode
The node to check for.
True if the current node is ancestor of the other node; otherwise false.
Returns true if the control is rendered by the ControlItem itself; false if it was added by the user to the Controls collection.
Checks if the current node is descendant of another node node.
node Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode
The node to check for.
True if the current node is descendant of the other node; otherwise false.
Removes the node from the Nodes collection of its parent
Toggles Expand/Collapse state of the node.
Unchecks all child nodes of the current node.