Defines the relationship between a data item and the tab it is binding to in a Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabStrip control.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.NavigationItemBinding : IDataSourceViewSchemaAccessor
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabBinding
ChildGroupCssClass String
Specifies the exact value of the ChildGroupCssClass property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
ChildGroupCssClassField String
Specifies the field, containing the ChildGroupCssClass property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
DisabledCssClass String
Specifies the exact value of the DisabledCssClass property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
DisabledCssClassField String
Specifies the field, containing the DisabledCssClass property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
DisabledImageUrl String
Specifies the exact value of the DisabledImageUrl property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
DisabledImageUrlField String
Specifies the field, containing the DisabledImageUrl property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
HoveredCssClass String
Specifies the exact value of the HoveredCssClass property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
HoveredCssClassField String
Specifies the field, containing the HoveredCssClass property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
IsBreak Boolean
Specifies the exact value of the IsBreak property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
IsBreakField Boolean
Specifies the field, containing the IsBreak property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
IsSeparator Boolean
Specifies the exact value of the IsSeparator property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
IsSeparatorField Boolean
Specifies the field, containing the IsSeparator property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
ModelID String
Specifies the model to bind against in OData scenarios. The selected model is used to the current depth (level) only.
OuterCssClass String
Specifies the exact value of the OuterCssClass property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
OuterCssClassField String
Specifies the field, containing the OuterCssClass property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
PageViewID String
Specifies the exact value of the PageViewID property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
PageViewIDField String
Specifies the field, containing the PageViewID property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
PerTabScrolling Boolean
Specifies the exact value of the PerTabScrolling property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
PerTabScrollingField Boolean
Specifies the field, containing the PerTabScrolling property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
ScrollButtonsPosition TabStripScrollButtonsPosition
Specifies the exact value of the ScrollButtonsPosition property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
ScrollButtonsPositionField TabStripScrollButtonsPosition
Specifies the field, containing the ScrollButtonsPosition property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
ScrollChildren Boolean
Specifies the exact value of the ScrollChildren property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
ScrollChildrenField Boolean
Specifies the field, containing the ScrollChildren property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
ScrollPosition Int32
Specifies the exact value of the ScrollPosition property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
ScrollPositionField Int32
Specifies the field, containing the ScrollPosition property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
SelectedCssClass String
Specifies the exact value of the SelectedCssClass property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
SelectedCssClassField String
Specifies the field, containing the SelectedCssClass property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
SelectedImageUrl String
Specifies the exact value of the SelectedImageUrl property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
SelectedImageUrlField String
Specifies the field, containing the SelectedImageUrl property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
SelectedIndex Int32
Specifies the exact value of the SelectedIndex property of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.
SelectedIndexField String
Specifies the field, containing the SelectedIndex property value of the RadTab that will be created during the data binding.