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Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • System.Web.UI.ScriptManager
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadScriptManager


AssemblyWhiteList AssemblyWhiteListCollection

Gets the Assembly White List

CacheSettings CacheSettings

Gets the cache settings.

CdnSettings CdnSettings

Gets the CDN settings.

EnableEmbeddedjQuery Boolean

Specifies whether the embedded jQuery library is output with RadControls' scripts.


If the embedded jQuery is disabled, you must manually load a version of jQuery on the page and ensure that RadControls are compatible with it. If this property is set to false and no compatible jQuery library is used, the page will throw JavaScript exceptions.

EnableHandlerDetection Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if RadScriptManager should check the Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource handler existence in the application configuration file.


When EnableHandlerDetection set to true, RadScriptManager automatically checks if the HttpHandler it uses is registered to the application configuration file and throws an exception if the HttpHandler registration missing. Set this property to false if your scenario uses a file to output the combined scripts, or when running in Medium trust.

EnableScriptCombine Boolean

Specifies whether or not multiple script references should be combined into a single file


When EnableScriptCombine set to true, the script references of the controls on the page are combined to a single file, so that only one

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