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Contains client-side databinding settings for Telerik.Web.UI.RadListView

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewClientDataBinding


AlternatingItemTemplate String

Gets or sets the HTML template of a alternating item when using client-side databinding.

ContainerID String

Gets or sets the ID of an HTML element in which will be rendered.

DataService RadListViewDataServiceSettings

Contains data service settings for the client-bound . These allow the control to automatically connect to a data service.

EmptyDataTemplate String

Gets or sets the HTML template of a empty item when using client-side databinding.

ItemPlaceHolderID String

Gets or sets the ID of an HTML element in the LayoutTemplate that will contain the data items in when using client-side databinding.

ItemSeparatorTemplate String

Gets or sets the HTML template of a separator item that is rendered between two bound items when using client-side databinding.

ItemTemplate String

Gets or sets the HTML template of a item when using client-side databinding.

LayoutTemplate String

Gets or sets the HTML template of the container when using client-side databinding.

SelectedItemTemplate String

Gets or sets the HTML template of a selected item thwhen using client-side databinding.

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