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RadGrid control class.


Set properties of RadGrid as default for the corresponding properties of grid's table views Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView . The best approach to bind RadGrid is to handle its E:Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.NeedDataSource event and set the DataSource property there. This way RadGrid will handle automatically operations like paging, sorting, grouping, etc. The main table-view can be accessed through P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.MasterTableView property. The group panel and its items can be accessed using GroupPanel property. Note that the group items can be modified only through the P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.GroupByExpressions properties of each GridTableView. Hierarchical grid structure can be implemented adding GridTableView objects to P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.DetailTables and handling E:Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.DetailTableDataBind event, where you should set the DataSource of each bound detail table filtered according to the P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.ParentItem property key values. The P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.Columns of RadGrid property is a reference to the columns of the MasterTableView and is present in RadGrid for compatibility with the DataGrid server control. You can find more information on the server properties and events of RadGrid at the Server-Side Programming Overview article here: .

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompositeDataBoundControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadCompositeDataBoundControl : IControl, IControlResolver, IFeatureGroup, IPostBackDataHandler, IScriptControl, ISkinnableControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridBaseDataList
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid : ICallbackEventHandler, IPostBackEventHandler, IRadFilterableContainer


AccessKey String

Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.

ActiveItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the active item in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the ActiveItemStyle property to control the appearance of the active item in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, ActiveItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, ActiveItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

AllowAutomaticDeletes Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid will automatically delete records from the specified data source.


See Automatic Data Source Operations for details.

AllowAutomaticInserts Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid will perform automatic insert of records to the data source.


See Automatic Data Source Operations for details.

AllowAutomaticUpdates Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid will perform automatic updates to the data source.


See Automatic Data Source Operations for details.

AllowCustomPaging Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether custom paging should be performed instead of the integrated automatic paging.


This online example demonstrates an approach to implementing custom paging with Telerik RadGrid. The simulated "DataLayer" wraps the logic of extracting records for only the specified page and deleting records. Telerik RadGrid maintains the pager buttons, changing of pager and other presentation specific features.Another available option for custom paging support is represented in the how-to section.Note: There is no universal mechanism for grouping when custom paging is allowed. The reason for this is that with the custom paging mechanism you fetch only part of the whole information from the grid datasource. Thus, when you trigger the grouping event the grid is restricted from operating with the whole available source data and is not able to group the items accurately. Furthermore, the aggregate functions as Count, Sum, etc. (covering operations with the whole set of grid items) will return incorrect results.A workaround solution for you could be to use hierarchy in the grid instead of grouping to single out the grid items logically and visually according to custom criteria. Thus you will be able to use custom paging without further limitations.Another approach is to build your own complex SQL statements which to get the whole available data from the grid datasource and then group the items in the grid with custom code logic. Finally, you can use standard paging instead of custom paging to ensure the consistency of the data on grouping.

AllowFilteringByColumn Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the filtering of all tables in the hierarchy will be enabled, unless specified other by GridTableView.AllowFilteringByColumn.

AllowMultiRowEdit Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid will allow you to have multiple rows in edit mode. The default value is false.

AllowMultiRowSelection Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether you will be able to select multiple rows in Telerik RadGrid. By default this property is set to false.


Note: You will not be able to select the Header, Footer or Pager rows.

AllowPaging Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the automatic paging feature is enabled.


Instead of displaying all the records in the data source at the same time, the Telerik RadGrid control can automatically break the records up into pages. If the data source supports the paging capability, the Telerik RadGrid control can take advantage of that and provide built-in paging functionality. The paging feature can be used with any data source object that supports the System.Collections.ICollection interface or a data source that supports paging capability.To enable the paging feature, set the AllowPaging property to true. By default, the Telerik RadGrid control displays 10 records on a page at a time. You can change the number of records displayed on a page by setting the PageSize property. To determine the total number of pages required to display the data source contents, use the PageCount property. You can determine the index of the currently displayed page by using the CurrentPageIndex property.When paging is enabled, an additional item called the pager item is automatically displayed in the Telerik RadGrid control. The pager item contains controls that allow the user to navigate to the other pages. You can control the settings of the pager item by using the PagerItemStyle property. The pager item can be displayed at the top, bottom, or both the top and bottom of the control by setting the Position property. You can also select from one of four built-in pager display modes by setting the Mode property.The Telerik RadGrid control also allows you to define a custom template for the pager item.

AllowSorting Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sorting feature is enabled.


When a data source control that supports sorting is bound to the Telerik RadGrid control, the Telerik RadGrid control can take advantage of the data source control's capabilities and provide automatic sorting functionality.To enable sorting, set the AllowSorting property to true. When sorting is enabled, the heading text for each column field with its SortExpression property set is displayed as a link button.Clicking the link button for a column causes the items in the Telerik RadGrid control to be sorted based on the sort expression. Typically, the sort expression is simply the name of the field displayed in the column, which causes the Telerik RadGrid control to sort with respect to that column. To sort by multiple fields, use a sort expression that contains a comma-separated list of field names. You can determine the sort expression that the Telerik RadGrid control is applying by using the SortExpression property. Clicking a column's link button repeatedly toggles the sort direction between ascending and descending order.

AlternatingItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of alternating data items in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the AlternatingItemStyle property to control the appearance of alternating data items in a Telerik RadGrid control. When this property is set, the data items are displayed alternating between the ItemStyle settings and the AlternatingItemStyle settings. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, AlternatingItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest an element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, AlternatingItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

AutoGenerateColumns Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether bound fields are automatically created for each field in the data source.


When the AutoGenerateColumns property is set to true, an GridBoundColumn object is automatically created for each field in the data source. Each field is then displayed as a column in the Telerik RadGrid control in the order that the fields appear in the data source. This option provides a convenient way to display every field in the data source; however, you have limited control of how an automatically generated column field is displayed or behaves.This set of columns can be accessed using the AutoGeneratedColumns collection.Runtime auto-generated columns will always appear after the user-specified columns, unless the columns are ordered programmatically.Instead of letting the Telerik RadGrid control automatically generate the column fields, you can manually define the column fields by setting the AutoGenerateColumns property to false and then creating a custom Columns collection. In addition to bound column fields, you can also display a button column, a check box column, a button column, a hyperlink column, an image column, or a column based on your own custom-defined template etc.

AutoGenerateDeleteColumn Boolean

Gets or sets a value determining if will automatically generate a with CommandName set to 'Delete'.

AutoGenerateEditColumn Boolean

Gets or sets a value determining if will automatically generate a .

AutoGenerateHierarchy Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether detail tables will be automatically created from the dataset object to which the grid is bound.

BackColor Color

Gets or sets the background color of the Web server control.

BackImageUrl String

Gets or sets the URL to an image to display in the background of a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the BackImageUrl property to specify the URL to an image to display in the background of a Telerik RadGrid control.If the specified image is smaller than the Telerik RadGrid control, the image is tiled to fill in the background. If the image is larger than the control, the image is cropped.

BorderColor Color

Gets or sets the border color of the Web control.

BorderStyle BorderStyle

Gets or sets the border style of the Web server control.

BorderWidth Unit

Gets or sets the border width of the Web server control.

CellPadding Int32

Gets or sets the amount of space between the contents of a cell and the cell's border.

CellSpacing Int32

Gets or sets the amount of space between cells.

ClientDataSourceID Object

Gets or sets ID of RadClientDataSource control that to be used for client side binding

ClientIDMode ClientIDMode

This property is overridden in order to support controls which implement INamingContainer. The default value is changed to "AutoID".

ClientSettings GridClientSettings

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the properties of the client-side behavior and appearance in a Telerik RadGrid control.

Columns GridColumnCollection

Gets a collection () of all columns in Telerik RadGrid.


This is one of the three columns collections in Telerik RadGrid. The other two are AutoGeneratedColumns and RenderColumns.

CommandItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the command item in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the CommandItemStyle property to control the appearance of the command item in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, CommandItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, CommandItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

CssClass String

Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class rendered by the Web server control on the client.

CssClassFormatString String

The CssClass property will now be used instead of the former Skin and will be modified in AddAttributesToRender()

Culture CultureInfo

Gets or sets the selected culture. Localization strings will be loaded based on this value.

CurrentPageIndex Int32

Gets or sets an integer value representing the current page index.


Note that the Paging must be enabled ( must be true) in order to use this property.

DataMember String

Gets or sets the name of the list of data that the Telerik RadGrid control binds to, in cases where the data source contains more than one distinct list of data items.


Use the DataMember property to specify a member from a multimember data source to bind to the list control. For example, if you have a data source with more than one table specified in the DataSource property, use the DataMember property to specify which table to bind to a data listing control. The value of the DataMember property is stored in view state.This property cannot be set by themes or style sheet themes. For more information, see ThemeableAttribute and Themes and Skins Overview in MSDN.

DataMember String

Gets or sets the name of the list of data that the data-bound control binds to, in cases where the data source contains more than one distinct list of data items.

DataModelID String

Gets or sets a OData service DataModelID.

DataSource Object

Gets or sets the object from which the Telerik RadGrid control retrieves its list of data items.


You should have in mind, that in case you are using simple data binding (i.e. when you are not using NeedDataSource event) the correct approach is to call the DataBind() method on the first page load when !Page.IsPostBack and after handling some event (sort event for example).You will need to assign DataSource and rebind the grid after each operation (paging, sorting, editing, etc.) - this copies exactly MS DataGrid behavior.

DataSource Object

Gets or sets the object from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items.

DataSourceID Object

Gets or sets the ID of the control from which the Telerik RadGrid control retrieves its list of data items.


If the Telerik RadGrid control has already been initialized when you set the DataSourceID property.This property cannot be set by themes or style sheet themes.

DataSourceID Object

Gets or sets the ID of the control from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items.

DeleteMethod String

Gets or sets the name of the method to call in order to delete data

EditIndexes GridIndexCollection

Gets a collection of the indexes of the Items that are in edit mode.

EditItems GridDataItemCollection

Gets a collection of all GridItems in edit mode. See the Remarks for more info.


The EditItems collection contains InPlace edit mode items. When you switch the edit type to EditForms, the EditItems collection holds the currently edited items but not their EditFormItems (which in this case hold the new values). See this help article for more details. You should not use this property to check whether there are items in edit mode. The better approach is to use property instead.

EditItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the item selected for editing in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the EditItemStyle property to control the appearance of the item being edited in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, EditItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, EditItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

EnableAjaxSkinRendering String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the skin CSS files during Ajax requests


If EnableAjaxSkinRendering is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand when adding/showing the control with Ajax.

EnableAriaSupport Boolean

When set to true enables support for WAI-ARIA

Enabled Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled.

EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.


If EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand.

EnableEmbeddedScripts Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render script references to the embedded scripts or not.


If EnableEmbeddedScripts is set to false you will have to register the needed Scripts files by hand.

EnableEmbeddedSkins String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.


If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false you will have to register the needed CSS files by hand.

EnableGroupsExpandAll Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the groups expand/collapse all header buttons should be switched on.

EnableHeaderContextAggregatesMenu Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the option to set columns aggregates should appear in header context menu.

EnableHeaderContextFilterMenu GridFilterMenu

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header context filter menu should be enabled.

EnableHeaderContextMenu GridHeaderContextMenu

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header context menu should be enabled.

EnableHierarchyExpandAll Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hierarchy expand/collapse all header buttons should be switched on.

EnableLinqExpressions Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether native LINQ expressions will be enabled.

EnableRippleEffect Boolean

Returns true if ripple effect should be added

EnableTheming Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this control.

EnableViewState Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client.

EnableViewState Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client.

ExportSettings GridExportSettings

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the properties of the grouping operation in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the ExportSettings property to control the settings of the grouping operations in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridGroupingSettings object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridExportSettings object (for example, GroupingSettings-ExpandTooltip).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, GroupingSettings.ExpandTooltip). Common settings usually include the tool tips for the sorting controls.

FilterItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the filter item in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the FilterItemStyle property to control the appearance of the filter item in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, FilterItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, FilterItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

FilterMenu GridFilterMenu

Gets a reference to object. The filtering menu appears when the filter button on the is clicked.


This property is meaningful only when you have filtering enabled (by setting AllowFilteringByColumn="true").

FilterType GridFilterType

Change the filter type displayed in the filter dropdown

Font FontInfo

Gets the font properties associated with the Web server control.

FooterStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the footer item in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the FooterItemStyle property to control the appearance of the footer item in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, FooterItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, FooterItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

ForeColor Color

Gets or sets the foreground color (typically the color of the text) of the Web server control.

GridLines GridLines

Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the border between the cells of a data table is displayed.

GroupHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the group-header item in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the GroupHeaderItemStyle property to control the appearance of the group-header item in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, GroupHeaderItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, GroupHeaderItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

GroupingEnabled Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grouping is enabled.


Most often this property is used in conjunction with property set to true. The easiest way to turn the grouping on is by using the grid's SmartTag option for enabling the grouping.

GroupingSettings GridGroupingSettings

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the properties of the grouping operation in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the GroupingSettings property to control the settings of the grouping operations in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridGroupingSettings object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridGroupingSettings object (for example, GroupingSettings-ExpandTooltip).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, GroupingSettings.ExpandTooltip). Common settings usually include the tool tips for the sorting controls.

GroupPanel GridGroupPanel

Gets group panel control instance - visible only if grouping is enabled in grid (). Each 's Group-By-Expression is visualized in this panel.


If grouping is enabled grid allows grouping by column(s) by drag-and-drop of columns from it's detail tables in this panel For this purpose set AllowDragToGroup property to true. You can modify panel's appearance using and .

GroupPanelPosition GridGroupPanel

Specify the position of the of GroupPanel

HeaderContextMenu GridHeaderContextMenu

Represents a HeaderContextMenu

HeaderStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the style properties of the heading section in the RadGrid control.


Use the HeaderItemStyle property to control the appearance of the header item in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, HeaderItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, HeaderItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

Height Unit

Gets or sets the height of the Web server control.

HierarchySettings GridHierarchySettings

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the properties of the hierarchical Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the HierarchySettings property to control the settings of the hierarchical Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridHierarchySettings object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridHierarchySettings object (for example, HierarchySettings-CollapseTooltip).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, HierarchySettings.CollapseTooltip). Common settings usually include the tool tips for the hierarchical Telerik RadGrid control.

HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign

Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of a data table within its container.

ImagesPath String

Gets or sets default path for the grid images.

InsertMethod String

Gets or sets the name of the method to call in order to insert data

IsExporting Boolean

This property returns true when the control is currently exporting a file

IsSkinSet String

For internal use.

Items GridDataItemCollection

Gets a collection of all GridDataItems.


The RadGrid control automatically populates the Items collection by creating a GridDataItem object for each record in the data source and then adding each object to the collection. This property is commonly used to access a specific item in the control or to iterate though the entire collection of items. You cannot use this collection to get special Items like Header, Pager, Footer, etc. Handle event and use the event arguments to get a reference to such items.

ItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the data items in a RadGrid control.


Use the ItemStyle property to control the appearance of the data items in a Telerik RadGrid control. When the AlternatingItemStyle property is also set, the data items are displayed alternating between the ItemStyle settings and the AlternatingItemStyle settings. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns.

LocalizationPath GridStrings

Gets or sets a value indicating where RadGrid will look for its .resx localization file. By default this file should be in the App_GlobalResources folder. However, if you cannot put the resource file in the default location or .resx files compilation is disabled for some reason (e.g. in a DotNetNuke environment), this property should be set to the location of the resource file.


If specified, the LocalizationPath property will allow you to load the grid localization file from any location in the web application.

MasterTableView GridTableView

The instance of that represents the main grid-table view in RadGrid.


Telerik RadGrid introduces a new approach to hierarchical data structures. The innovative in Telerik RadGrid is having a so called MasterTableView. This is the topmost table of the hierarchical structure. It is a with . The collection holds the so called DetailTables - tables related to the fields of the MasterTable. Each DetailTable can have its own GridTableViewCollection with other Detail Tables, thus forming the hierarchical structure. Note: There is only one Master Table for a single Telerik RadGrid. This is the topmost table. All inner tables are referred as a Detail Tables regardless of whether they have related (inner) tables or not.

MultiHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the MultiHeader item in a Telerik RadGrid control.

ODataDataSourceID Object

Gets or sets the ODataDataSource used for data binding.

PageCount Int32

Gets the number of pages required to display the records of the data source in a Telerik RadGrid control.


When the paging feature is enabled (by setting the AllowPaging property to true), use the PageCount property to determine the total number of pages required to display the records in the data source. This value is calculated by dividing the total number of records in the data source by the number of records displayed in a page (as specified by the PageSize property) and rounding up.

PagerStyle GridPagerStyle

Gets a reference to the GridPagerStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the page item in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use this property to provide a custom style for the paging section of the RadGrid control. Common style attributes that can be adjusted include forecolor, backcolor, font, and content alignment within the cell. Providing a different style enhances the appearance of the RadGrid control.To specify a custom style for the paging section, place the tags between the opening and closing tags of the RadGrid control. You can then list the style attributes within the opening tag.

PageSize Int32

Gets or sets an integer value indicating the number of Items that a single page in Telerik RadGrid will contain.


Note that the Paging must be enabled ( must be true) in order to use this property.

RegisterWithScriptManager Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to register with the ScriptManager control on the page.


If RegisterWithScriptManager is set to false the control can be rendered on the page using Web Services or normal callback requests/page methods.

RenderMode RenderMode

Specifies the rendering mode of the control. Setting the mode to Lightweight will yield HTML 5/CSS 3 html and css.


Lightweight rendering mode might change the outlook of the component in some older browsers that don't support CSS3/HTML5.

ResolvedRenderMode RenderMode

Returns resolved RenderMode should the original value was Auto

RetainExpandStateOnRebind Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the property of both hierarchy and group items will be retained after a call to or method.

RuntimeSkin String

Gets the real skin name for the control user interface. If Skin is not set, returns "Default", otherwise returns Skin.

SelectedCellIndexes GridIndexCollection

Gets a collection of indexes of the selected items.

SelectedCells GridTableCellCollection

Gets a collection of the currently selected GridTableCells

SelectedIndexes GridIndexCollection

Gets a collection of indexes of the selected items.

SelectedItems GridDataItemCollection

Gets a collection of the currently selected GridDataItems

SelectedItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the appearance of the selected item in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the SelectedItemStyle property to control the appearance of the selected item in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, SelectedItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, SelectedItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

SelectedValue Object

Gets the data key value of the selected row in a RadGrid control.

SelectedValues Object

Gets the corresponding data key values for the selected items in the grid.

SelectMethod String

Gets or sets the name of the method to call in order to select data

ShouldBindInvisibleColumns Boolean

Caches the BindGridInvisibleColumns configuration key

ShowFooter Boolean

Gets or set a value indicating whether the footer item of the grid will be shown.


Setting this property will affect all grid tables, unless they specify otherwise explicitly.

ShowGroupPanel GridGroupPanel

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the would be shown in Telerik RadGrid.

ShowHeader Boolean

Gets or set a value indicating whether the header item of the grid will be shown.


Setting this property will affect all grid tables, unless they specify otherwise explicitly.

ShowStatusBar Boolean

Gets or set a value indicating whether the statusbar item of the grid will be shown.


This property is meaningful when the grid is in AJAX mode, i.e. when is set to true. See this help topic for more details.

Skin String

Gets or sets the name of the Skin that Telerik RadGrid will use. In case one needs custom skin (not embedded within the assembly) she has to refer the respective .css in the head tag as explained in docs here: RadControls for ASP.NET Ajax Fundamentals -> Controlling Visual Appearance -> Creating a custom skin


There are three possible scenarios for using this property:Leave this property unset or set it to "Default" - the default skin, common for the Telerik® UI for ASP.NET Ajax suite will be usedSet the name of the embedded grid skin - the skin will be appliedSet the name of the custom grid skin along with the EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" (see 'Creating a custom skin' Fundamentals article)Set this property to "" - no skin will be applied. Only the default grid images (for Expand/Collapse, Sort, Edit, etc) will be used. Use this option if you have own appearance customizations for prevous Telerik RadGrid versions.

Skin String

Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.


If this property is not set, the control will render using the skin named "Default". If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false, the control will not render skin.

SkinID String

Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control.

SortHeaderContextMenuColumns GridHeaderContextMenu

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Columns in the will be sorted by default.

SortingSettings GridSortingSettings

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the properties of the sorting operation in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the SortingSettings property to control the settings of the sorting operations in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridSortingSettings object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridSortingSettings object (for example, SortingSettings-SortedAscToolTip).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, SortingSettings.SortedAscToolTip). Common settings usually include the tool tips for the sorting controls.

StatusBarSettings GridStatusBarItemSettings

Gets a object that contains variable settings related to the status bar.

TabIndex Int16

Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control.

TabIndex Int16

Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control.

ToolTip String

Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the Web server control.

UpdateMethod String

Gets or sets the name of the method to call in order to update data

ValidationSettings GridValidationSettings

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the properties of the validate operation in a Telerik RadGrid control.


Use the ValidationSettings property to control the settings of the validate operations in a Telerik RadGrid control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridValidationSettings object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadGrid control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridValidationSettings object (for example, ValidationSettings-EnableValidation).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadGrid control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, ValidationSettings.EnableValidation). Common settings usually include the propeties for the validation logic in Telerik RadGrid control.

VirtualItemCount Int32

Gets or sets a value, indicating the total number of items in the data source when custom paging is used. Thus the grid "understands" that the data source contains the specified number of records and it should fetch merely part of them at a time to execute requested operation.


If you set a value that is greater than the actual number of items, RadGrid will show all available items plus empty pages (or whatever other content you set) for the items that exceed the actual number.For example you have a data source with 9'000 items and you set VirtualItemCount to 10'000. If your page size is 1000, the grid will render 10 pages and the last page will be empty (or with NoRecordsTemplate if you're using such).

Visible Boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.

Width Unit

Gets or sets the width of the Web server control.

Width Unit

Gets or sets the width of the Web server control.



Use this from RenderContents of the inheritor




When there is a hierarchy and when AllowMultiRowEdit is false this method should close all edit items (put them out of edit mode) except the last one. We need to do this later in the page lifecycle to prevent viewstate-related issues when the edit mode is inplace and when there are databound controls in the editors. Original problem affected GridDropDownColumn (in both Combo and DropDown mode) and GridAutoComplete columns.




Code moved into this method from OnPreRender to make sure it executed when the framework skips OnPreRender() for some reason




This method is used by RadGrid internally. Please do not use.




Data-bind %MasterTableView% and its detail %GridTableView%s. Prior to calling DataBind, the %DataSource% property should be assigned.


You should have in mind, that in case you are using simple data binding (i.e. when you are not using NeedDataSource event) the correct approach is to call the DataBind() method on the first page load when !Page.IsPostBack and after handling some event (sort event for example).You will need to assign DataSource and rebind the grid after each operation (paging, sorting, editing, etc.) - this copies exactly MS DataGrid behavior. We recommend using the method instead and handling the event.




Exports RadGrid to Csv format




Exports RadGrid to Excel format




Exports RadGrid to the given Excel format


format Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelExportFormat

Excel format




Exports RadGrid to Pdf format




Exports RadGrid to Word format




Exports RadGrid to the given Word format


format Telerik.Web.UI.GridWordExportFormat

Word format




Gets a object that could be used when binding a control to a service. The GetBindingData method have many overrides and their main purpose is to return a object to be used and returned from a service so a control could handle complex operations like sorting, filtering, paging. In the general case the parameters are automatically passed when the makes a request to the service. However, you could use it for custom scenarios by providing your manually generated parameters.


contextTypeName System.String

The contextTypeName parameter for the .

tableName System.String

The tableName parameter for the .

startRowIndex System.Int32

The index from where to start retrieving records. The parameter is used for pagging support.

maximumRows System.Int32

The maximum rows to be loaded. The parameter is used for pagging support.

sortExpression System.String

The sort expression.

filterExpression System.String

The filter expression.


Telerik.Web.UI.GridBindingData Returns a object which could be used to return the data to the control.


Gets a object that could be used when binding a control to a service. The GetBindingData method have many overrides and their main purpose is to return a object to be used and returned from a service so a control could handle complex operations like sorting, filtering, paging. In the general case the parameters are automatically passed when the makes a request to the service. However, you could use it for custom scenarios by providing your manually generated parameters.


contextTypeName System.String

The contextTypeName parameter for the .

tableName System.String

The tableName parameter for the .

select System.String

The select for the .

startRowIndex System.Int32

The index from where to start retrieving records. The parameter is used for pagging support.

maximumRows System.Int32

The maximum rows to be loaded. The parameter is used for pagging support.

sortExpression System.String

The sort expression.

filterExpression System.String

The filter expression.


Telerik.Web.UI.GridBindingData Returns a object which could be used to return the data to the control.


Gets a object that could be used when binding a control to a service. The RadGrid.GetBindingData method have many overrides and their main purpose is to return a object to be used and returned from a service so a control could handle complex operations like sorting, filtering, paging. In the general case the parameters are automatically passed when the makes a request to the service. However, you could use it for custom scenarios by providing your manually generated parameters.


source System.Linq.IQueryable{0}

Generic collection to be paged, filtered and sorted.

startRowIndex System.Int32

The index from where to start retrieving records. The parameter is used for pagging support.

maximumRows System.Int32

The maximum rows to be loaded. The parameter is used for pagging support.

sortExpression System.String

The sort expression.

filterExpression System.String

The filter expression.


Telerik.Web.UI.GridBindingData Returns a object which could be used to return the data to the control.


Gets a object that could be used when binding a control to a service. The GetBindingData method have many overrides and their main purpose is to return a object to be used and returned from a service so a control could handle complex operations like sorting, filtering, paging. In the general case the parameters are automatically passed when the makes a request to the service. However, you could use it for custom scenarios by providing your manually generated parameters.


source System.Linq.IQueryable

collection to be paged, filtered and sorted.

startRowIndex System.Int32

The index from where to start retrieving records. The parameter is used for pagging support.

maximumRows System.Int32

The maximum rows to be loaded. The parameter is used for pagging support.

sortExpression System.String

The sort expression.

filterExpression System.String

The filter expression.


Telerik.Web.UI.GridBindingData Returns a object which could be used to return the data to the control.


Returns the names of all embedded skins. Used by Telerik.Web.Examples.




Loads the client state data


clientState System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Object}




Executed when post data is loaded from the request


postDataKey System.String

postCollection System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection




Used by the SPRadGrid control




Executed when post data changes should invoke a changed event




Forces RadGrid to fire NeedDataSource event then calls DataBind




Registers the CSS references




Registers the control with the ScriptManager




Saves the client state data




Sets property of the GridDateTimeColumn, GridNumericColumn or GridRatingColumn indicating whether the current filter function is Between ot NotBetween. Used in case of custom FilterTemplates


column Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumn



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