Represents the UI component rendered by Telerik.Web.UI.RadFilter to represent a group of filter expressions..
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- System.Web.UI.Control
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadFilterExpressionItem : INamingContainer
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadFilterGroupExpressionItem
AddExpressionButton RadFilterGroupExpression
Gets the control which adds a new to the expression items tree.
AddGroupExpressionButton RadFilterGroupExpression
Gets the control which adds a new to the expression items tree.
ChildItems RadFilterItemsCollection
Gets a collection of the RadFilterExpressionItem objects belonging to the current group.
ClientID String
Gets a string value representing the client id of the filter expression item control.
Expression RadFilterGroupExpression
Gets the RadFilterGroupExpression that the current item represents.
ExpressionContainer RadFilterGroupExpression
Gets a reference to the UI component that holds the filter expression items in the rendered RadFilter..
FunctionalInterfaceContainer Panel
Gets the container holding the menu links - the GroupOperation(for ), FilterFunction and the editor FieldName.
GroupOperationChooserLink HyperLink
Gets the control which chooses the item expression GroupOperation value.
HierarchicalIndex String
Gets the string representation of the hierarchical position of the item in the RadFilter visual structure.
IsRootGroup Boolean
Gets a boolean value indicating whether the current Control represents a root group expression.
ItemIndex Int32
Gets the integer index of the filter expression item.
OwnerFilter RadFilter
Returns a reference to the owner object.
OwnerGroup RadFilterGroupExpressionItem
Gets the owner .
RemoveButton LinkButton
Gets the remove button which removes an expression from the expression tree.
ToolsInterfaceContainer Panel
Gets the container holding item specific controls. An input control for the and AddGroupExpression, AddItemExpression for the .
Adds a RadFilterExpressionItem to the ChildItems collection of the current group expression.
item Telerik.Web.UI.RadFilterExpressionItem
A RadFilterExpressionItem to add to the ChildItems collection.
Initializes the filter expression item.