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Telerik RadEditor You can find information on the server properties, methods and events of RadEditor at .

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadWebControl : IControl, IControlResolver, IPostBackDataHandler, IScriptControl, ISkinnableControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor : IEditableTextControl, INamingContainer, ITextControl


AllowScripts Boolean

Gets or sets the value indicating whether script tags will be allowed in the editor content. This property is now obsolete. Please use the ContentFilters property or the EnableFilter and DisableFilter methods

AnimationSettings EditorAnimationSettings

Specifies the animation settings.

AutoResizeHeight Boolean

Gets or sets the value indicating whether the RadEditor will auto-resize its height to match content height

ClientIDMode ClientIDMode

This property is overridden in order to support controls which implement INamingContainer. The default value is changed to "AutoID".

Colors EditorColorCollection

Gets the collection containing the colors to put in the Foreground and Background color dropdowns.


The contents of this collection will override the default colors available in the Foreground and Background color dropdowns. In order to extend the default set you should add the default colors and the new colors.Note: Setting this property will affect all color pickers of the RadEditor, including those in the table proprties dialogs.

Content String

Gets or sets the text content of the RadEditor control inlcuding the HTML markup.


The text returned by this property contains HTML markup. If only the text is needed use the Text property. You can also set the text content of the RadEditor inline between the tags. In this case setting this property in the code behind will override the inline content.

ContentAreaCssFile String

Gets or sets a string, containing the location of the content area CSS styles. You need to set this property only if you are using a custom skin.

ContentAreaMode String

Gets or sets the rendering mode of the editor content area. When set to Iframe, the content area is a separate document (suitable for CMS solutions or when editing a whole page). When set to Div, the content area is in the main page. The default value is Iframe.

ContentFilters String

Gets or sets a value indicating which content filters will be active when the editor is loaded in the browser.


EditorFilters enum members MemberDescriptionRemoveScriptsThis filter removes script tags from the editor content. Disable the filter if you want to insert script tags in the content.MakeUrlsAbsoluteThis filter makes all URLs in the editor content absolute (e.g. "http://server/page.html" instead of "page.html"). This filter is DISABLED by default.FixUlBoldItalicThis filter changes the deprecated u tag to a span with CSS style.IECleanAnchorsInternet Explorer only - This filter removes the current page url from all anchor(#) links to the same page.FixEnclosingPThis filter removes a parent paragraph tag if the whole content is inside it.MozEmStrongThis filter changes b to strong and i to em in Mozilla browsers.ConvertFontToSpanThis filter changes deprecated font tags to compliant span tags.ConvertToXhtmlThis filter converts the HTML from the editor content area to XHTML.IndentHTMLContentThis filter indents the HTML content so it is more readable when you view the code.OptimizeSpansThis filter tries to decrease the number of nested spans in the editor content.ConvertCharactersToEntitiesThis filter converts reserved characters to their html entity names.ConvertInlineStylesToAttributesThis filter converts XHTML compliant inline style attributes to Email compliant element attributes.DefaultFiltersThe default editor behavior. All content filters except MakeUrlsAbsolute are activated.

CssClasses EditorCssClassCollection

Gets the collection containing the CSS classes to put in the [Apply CSS Class] dropdown.


The contents of this collection will override the default CSS classes available in the Apply CSS Class dropdown.

CssClassFormatString String

The CssClass property will now be used instead of the former Skin and will be modified in AddAttributesToRender()

CssFiles EditorCssFileCollection

Gets a reference to a that can be used to add external CSS files in the editor content area.


By default, RadEditor uses the CSS classes available in the current page. However, it can be configured to load external CSS files instead. This scenario is very common for editors integrated in back-end administration areas, which have one set of CSS classes, while the content is being saved in a database and displayed on the public area, which has a different set of CSS classes.If this property is set the RadEditor loads only the styles defined in the CssFiles collection. The styles defined in the current page are not loaded in the editor content area and the "Apply Class" dropdown. If you want to load only a subset of the defined classes you can use the CssClasses property.

DialogDefinitions DialogDefinitionDictionary

Gets the collection of the dialog definitions (configurations) of the editor.

DialogHandlerUrl String

Gets or sets the URL which the AJAX call will be made to. Check the help for more information.

DialogOpener RadDialogOpener

A read-only property that returns the DialogOpener instance used in the editor control.

DialogsCssFile String

Gets or sets the location of a CSS file, that will be added in the dialog window. If you need to include more than one file, use the CSS @import url(); rule to add the other files from the first. This property is needed if you are using a custom skin. It allows you to include your custom skin CSS in the dialogs, which are separate from the main page.

DialogsScriptFile String

Gets or sets the location of a JavaScript file, that will be added in the dialog window. If you need to include more than one file, you will need to combine the scripts into one first. This property is needed if want to override some of the default functionality without loading the dialog from an external ascx file.

DocumentImporter IDplImportProxy

Contains the import Rtf/Docx functionality.

DocumentManager FileManagerDialogConfiguration

Contains the configuration of the DocumentManager dialog.

EditModes EditModes

Gets or sets the value indicating which will be the available EditModes.

EditType EditorEditType

Gets or sets the value of the edit type of the Editor.

EmptyMessage String

Message that will be shown over the content area when the editor is empty.

EnableAjaxSkinRendering String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the skin CSS files during Ajax requests


If EnableAjaxSkinRendering is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand when adding/showing the control with Ajax.

EnableAjaxSkinRendering String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the skin CSS files during Ajax requests


If EnableAjaxSkinRendering is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand when adding/showing the control with Ajax.

EnableAriaSupport Boolean

When set to true enables support for WAI-ARIA

EnableComments Boolean

When set to true enables support for entering comments in the editor content

EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.


If EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand.

EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.


If EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand.

EnableEmbeddedScripts Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded client scripts or not.


If EnableEmbeddedScripts is set to false you will have to register the needed script files by hand.

EnableEmbeddedScripts Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render script references to the embedded scripts or not.


If EnableEmbeddedScripts is set to false you will have to register the needed Scripts files by hand.

EnableEmbeddedSkins String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.


If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false you will have to register the needed CSS files by hand.

EnableEmbeddedSkins String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.


If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false you will have to register the needed CSS files by hand.

EnableImmutableElements Boolean

When set to true enables support for immutable HTML elements

EnableResize Boolean

Gets or sets the value indicating whether the users will be able to resize the RadEditor control on the client

EnableRippleEffect Boolean

Returns true if ripple effect should be added

EnableTextareaMode Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the editor as a simple textarea (for compatibility with older browsers).


If EnableTextareaMode is set to true, the editor will be replaced by a textbox where you can write its HTML. All advanced editor features will be disabled.

EnableTrackChanges Boolean

When set to true enables support for tracking changes each time the editor content is modified

ExportSettings EditorExportSettings

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the export file properties


Use the ExportSettings property to control the export file settings This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the EditorExportSettings object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadEditor control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the EditorExportSettings object (for example, ExportSettings-FileName).Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadEditor control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, ExportSettings.FileName).

ExternalDialogsPath String

Gets or sets a value indicating where the editor will look for its dialogs.


If specified, the ExternalDialogsPath property will allow you to customize and load the editor dialogs from normal ASCX files.

FindReplaceOverlay FindReplaceMobile

The overlay for the Find and Replace functionality in the mobile editor

FlashManager FileManagerDialogConfiguration

Contains the configuration of the FlashManager dialog.

FontNames EditorFontCollection

Gets the collection containing the custom font names to put in the Font dropdown.


The contents of this collection will override the default fonts available in the Font dropdown. In order to extend the default set you should add the default font names and the new font names. The default font names are: Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana.Note: the fonts must exist on the client computer.

FontSizes EditorFontSizeCollection

Gets the collection containing the custom font sizes to put in the [Size] dropdown.


The contents of this collection will override the default font sizes available in the [Size] dropdown. In order to extend the default set you should add the default font sizes and the new font sizes. The default font sizes are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.Note: the minimum font size is 1, the maximum is 7.

FormatSets EditorFormatSetCollection

Gets the collection containing the format sets to put in the FormatSets dropdown.


The contents of this collection will override the default format sets available in the FormatSets dropdown.

HeaderTools EditorToolGroupCollection

Gets the collection containing RadEditor HeaderTools.

HeaderToolsToolAdapter EditorToolGroupCollection

Gets or sets the tool adapter, which is responsible for rendering the header tools.

Height Unit

Gets or sets the height of the Web server control. The default height is 400 pixels.

Html String

Gets or sets the text content of the RadEditor control inlcuding the HTML markup. The Html property is deprecated in RadEditor. Use Content instead.

ImageManager ImageManagerDialogConfiguration

Contains the configuration of the ImageManager dialog.

ImportSettings EditorImportSettings

Gets a reference to the object that allows you to set the import Rtf/Docx properties


Use the ImportSettings property to control the import settings This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the EditorImportSettings object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the Telerik RadEditor control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the EditorImportSettings object (for example, ImportSettings Rtf-ImagesMode="External").Nest a element between the opening and closing tags of the Telerik RadEditor control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, ImportSettings.Rtf.ImagesMode).

IsInAccessibleMode Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the editor is being rendered in accessible mode


This propery has no setter. If you wish to enable the accessible editor interface, use the AccessibleRadEditor control instead.

IsSkinSet String

For internal use.

IsSkinTouch Boolean

Gets or sets bool value indicating if the Runtime skin is touch.

Language String

Gets or sets a string containing the localization language for the RadEditor UI

Languages SpellCheckerLanguageCollection

Gets the collection containing the available languages for spellchecking.


RadEditor has integrated support for the multi-language mode of RadSpell. When working with content in different languages you can select the proper spellchecking dictionary from a dropdown button on the RadEditor toolbar.

Gets the collection containing the links to put in the Custom Links dropdown.


The Custom Links dropdown of the RadEditor is a very convenient tool for inserting predefined hyperlinks.Note: the links can be organized in a tree like structure.

Localization EditorStrings

The Localization property specifies the strings that appear in the runtime user interface of RadEditor.

LocalizationPath EditorStrings

Gets or sets a value indicating where the editor will look for its .resx localization files. By default these files should be in the App_GlobalResources folder. However, if you cannot put the resource files in the default location or .resx files compilation is disabled for some reason (e.g. in a DotNetNuke environment), this property should be set to the location of the resource files.


If specified, the LocalizationPath property will allow you to load the editor localization files from any location in the web application.

MaxHtmlLength Int32

Gets or sets the max length (in symbols) of the HTML inserted in the RadEditor. When the value is 0 the property is disabled.

MaxTextLength Int32

Gets or sets the max length (in symbols) of the text inserted in the RadEditor. When the value is 0 the property is disabled.

MediaManager FileManagerDialogConfiguration

Contains the configuration of the MediaManager dialog.

Modules EditorModuleCollection

Gets the list of modules that should be made included in RadEditor.

NewLineBr Boolean

This property is obsolete. Please, use the NewLineMode property instead.


Note: this property is intended for use only in Internet Explorer. The gecko-based browsers always insert

NewLineMode EditorNewLineModes

Gets or sets the value indicating what element will be inserted when the [Enter] key is pressed.

OnClientCommandExecuted String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after an editor command was executed.


If specified, the OnClientCommandExecutedclient-side event handler that is called when after an editor command was executed. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.

OnClientCommandExecuting String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called before an editor command starts executing.


If specified, the OnClientCommandExecutingclient-side event handler is called before a command starts executing. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.This event can be cancelled.

OnClientDomChange String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when an editor command has been executed providing the changed Dom element.


If specified, the OnClientDomChangeclient-side event handler is called when an editor command has been executed providing the changed Dom element. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.

OnClientInit String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when editor starts to load on the client.


If specified, the OnClientInitclient-side event handler is called when editor starts to load on the client. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.

OnClientInlineEditCompleted String

The event is fired when the inline editing is completed.

OnClientLoad String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when editor is loaded on the client.


If specified, the OnClientLoadclient-side event handler is called when editor is loaded on the client. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.

OnClientModeChange String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the content is submitted.


If specified, the OnClientModeChangeclient-side event handler is called when the mode of the editor is changing.. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.

OnClientPasteHtml String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a dialog is closed, but before its value returned would be pasted into the editor.


If specified, the OnClientPasteHtmlclient-side event handler is called when a dialog is closed, but before its value returned would be pasted into the editor. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.

OnClientSelectionChange String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when selection inside editor content area changes


If specified, the OnClientSelectionChangeclient-side event handler is called when selection inside editor content area changes. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.

OnClientSubmit String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the content is submitted.


If specified, the OnClientPasteHtmlclient-side event handler is called when a dialog is closed, but before its value returned would be pasted into the editor. Two parameters are passed to the handler:sender, the RadEditor object.args.

Paragraphs EditorParagraphCollection

Gets the collection containing the paragraph styles to put in the Paragraph Style dropdown.


The contents of this collection will override the default paragraph styles available in the Paragraph Style dropdown.Note: RadEditor also supports block format with css class set. See the example below.

RadContextMenu RadContextMenu

Gets a reference to the RadContextMenu, if the control is enabled in RadEditor.

RealFontSizes EditorFontSizeCollection

Gets the collection containing the custom real font sizes to put in the RealFontSize dropdown.


The contents of this collection will override the default real font sizes available in the RealFontSize dropdown.

RegisterWithScriptManager Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to register with the ScriptManager control on the page.


If RegisterWithScriptManager is set to false the control can be rendered on the page using Web Services or normal callback requests/page methods.

RenderMode RenderMode

Specifies the rendering mode of the control. Setting the mode to Lightweight will yield HTML 5/CSS 3 html and css.


Lightweight rendering mode might change the outlook of the component in some older browsers that don't support CSS3/HTML5.

RenderMode RenderMode

Specifies the rendering mode of the control. Setting the mode to Lightweight will yield HTML 5/CSS 3 html and css.


Lightweight rendering mode might change the outlook of the component in some older browsers that don't support CSS3/HTML5.

ResolvedRenderMode RenderMode

Returns resolved RenderMode should the original value was Auto

RibbonBar RadRibbonBar

Gets a reference to the ribbon bar, when toolbar mode is RibbonBar.

RuntimeSkin String

Gets the real skin name for the control user interface. If Skin is not set, returns "Default", otherwise returns Skin.

SilverlightManager FileManagerDialogConfiguration

Contains the configuration of the SilverlightManager dialog.

Skin String

Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.


If this property is not set, the control will render using the skin named "Default". If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false, the control will not render skin.

Skin String

Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.


If this property is not set, the control will render using the skin named "Default". If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false, the control will not render skin.

Snippets EditorSnippetCollection

Gets the collection containing the snippets to put in the Code Snippet dropdown.


The Code Snippet dropdown is a very convenient tool for inserting predefined chunks of HTML content like signatures, product description templates, custom tables, etc.The contents of this collection will override the default snippets available in the Code Snippet dropdown.

SpellCheckSettings SpellCheckSettings

Contains the configuration of the spell checker.

StripFormattingOnPaste EditorStripFormattingOptions

This property is obsolete. Please, use the StripFormattingOptions property instead.

StripFormattingOptions EditorStripFormattingOptions

Gets or sets the value indicating how the editor should clear the HTML formatting when the user pastes data into the content area.


EditorStripFormattingOptions enum members MemberDescriptionNoneDoesn't strip anything, asks a question when MS Word formatting was detected.NoneSupressCleanMessageDoesn't strip anything and does not ask a question.MSWordStrips only MSWord related attributes and tags.MSWordNoFontsStrips the MSWord related attributes and tags and font tags.MSWordNoMarginsStrips the MSWord related attributes and tags and margins MSWordRemoveAllStrips MSWord related attributes and tags, font tags and font size attributes.CssRemoves style attributes.FontRemoves Font tags.SpanClears Span tags.AllExceptNewLinesClears all tags except "br" and new lines (\n) on paste.AllRemove all HTML formatting.Note: In Gecko-based browsers you will see the mandatory dialog box where you need to paste the content.

Symbols EditorSymbolCollection

Gets the collection containing the symbols to put in the Symbols dropdown.


The contents of this collection will override the default symbols available in the Symbols dropdown.Note: multiple symbols can be added at once by using the SymbolCollection.Add() method.

TableLayoutCssFile String

Gets or sets a string, containing the location of the CSS styles for table css style layout tool in the TableProperties dialogue.

TagKey HtmlTextWriterTag

Gets the value that corresponds to this Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers.

TemplateManager FileManagerDialogConfiguration

Contains the configuration of the TemplateManager dialog.

Text String

Gets the text content of the RadEditor control without the HTML markup.


The text returned by this property contains no HTML markup. If only the HTML markup in the text is needed use the Html property.

                You can set the text content of the RadEditor by using the
                Html property or inline between its opening and closing
                tags. In this case setting the Html property in the code
                behind will override the inline content.

ToolAdapter ToolAdapter

Gets or sets the tool adapter, which is responsible for rendering the tools in the toolbar.

ToolbarMode EditorToolbarMode

Gets or sets the value indicating how the editor toolbar will be rendered and will act on the client


Several editors can simulate usage of the same toolbar if this property has the same value everywhere

ToolProviderID String

Gets or sets a string containing the ID (will search for both server or client ID) of a client object that should be used as a tool provider.


This property helps significantly reduce the HTML markup and JSON sent from server to the client when multiple RadEditor objects with the same tools are used on the same page. The ToolProviderID can be set to the ID of another RadEditor, or to a custom control that implements two clientside methods get_toolHTML and get_toolJSON.

Tools EditorToolGroupCollection

Gets the collection containing RadEditor tools.

ToolsFile EditorToolGroupCollection

Gets or sets a string containing the path to the XML toolbar configuration file.


This property is provided for backwards compatibility. Please, use either inline toolbar declaration or code-behind to configure the toolbars. To configure multiple RadEditor controls with the same settings you could use either Theme, UserControl with inline declaration, or CustomControl. Use "~" (tilde) as a substitution of the web-application's root directory.You can also provide this property with an absolute URL which returns a valid XML toolbar configuration file, e.g. http://MyServer/MyApplication/Tools/MyToolsFile.aspx

ToolsWidth EditorToolGroupCollection

Gets or sets the width of the editor's toolbar (should be used when ToolbarMode != Default).

TrackChangesSettings TrackChangesSettings

Contains the configuration of the track changes functionality.

UseRadContextMenu Boolean

Specifies whether the RadContextMenu should be used.

Width Unit

Gets or sets the width of the Web server control.



Changes the content of the Editor by accepting the track changes




Adds HTML attributes and styles that need to be rendered to the specified . This method is used primarily by control developers.


writer System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter

A that represents the output stream to render HTML content on the client.




Use this from RenderContents of the inheritor




Executes during the prerender event. We set the tools file and fill the collections with their default values.




Code moved into this method from OnPreRender to make sure it executed when the framework skips OnPreRender() for some reason




Removes a specific filter from the ContentFilters.


filter Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters

An EditorFilters value




Add a specific filter to the ContentFilters.


filter Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters

An EditorFilters value




Forces the ToolsFile to be parsed and loaded at any given time.




A way to export editor's content by using the provided RadEditorExportTemplate.


template Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Export.RadEditorExportTemplate

Object, which implements the RadEditorExportTemplate abstract class.




This method is used to export the editor's content to DOCX format.




This method is used to export the editor's content to Markdown format.




This method is used to export the editor's content to PDF format.




This method is used to export the editor's content to RTF format.




Finds the tool with the given name.


name System.String

The name of the tool to find.




Returns the names of all embedded skins. Used by Telerik.Web.Examples.




This method is used to strip comments from the Content of the editor.




Loads the client state data


clientState System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Object}




This method is used to convert DOCX content to HTML and loadit in RadEditor.


docxStream System.IO.Stream

A Stream object holding the DOCX content to be transformed and loaded.




This method is used to convert DOCX content to HTML and load it in RadEditor.


docxText System.String

A String object in ASCII encoding holding the DOCX content to be transformed and loaded.




This method is used to convert Markdown content to HTML and loadit in RadEditor.


markdownStream System.IO.Stream

A Stream object holding the Markdown content to be transformed and loaded.




This method is used to convert Markdown content to HTML and loadit in RadEditor.


markdownText System.String

A String object holding the Markdown content to be transformed and loaded.




Executed when post data is loaded from the request




Executed when post data is loaded from the request


postDataKey System.String

postCollection System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection




This method is used to convert RTF content to HTML and loadit in RadEditor.


rtfStream System.IO.Stream

A Stream object holding the RTF content to be transformed and loaded.




This method is used to convert RTF content to HTML and load it in RadEditor.


rtfText System.String

A String object encoded in ASCII holding the RTF content to be transformed and loaded.




Restores view-state information from a previous request that was saved with the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl.SaveViewState() method.


state System.Object

An object that represents the control state to restore.




Raises the ExportContent event.




Raises the FileDelete event.




Raises the FileUpload event.




Raises the ImportContent event.




Raises the TextChanged event.




Executed when post data changes should invoke a changed event




Registers the CSS styles for the control




Registers the CSS references




Registers the control with the ScriptManager




Registers the control with the ScriptManager




Registers the script descriptors.




Changes the content of the Editor by rejecting the track changes




Saves the client state data




Saves any state that was modified after the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style.TrackViewState() method was invoked.


System.Object An object that contains the current view state of the control; otherwise, if there is no view state associated with the control, null.


A way to inject a custom implementation of the DOCX export engine.


template Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Export.RadEditorExportTemplate

Object, which implements the RadEditorExportTemplate abstract class.




A way to inject a custom implementation of the Markdown export engine.


template Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Export.RadEditorExportTemplate

Object, which implements the RadEditorExportTemplate abstract class.




Used to set the file browser configuration paths for the editor dialogs


paths System.String

A string array containing the paths to set.

fileTypes Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.EditorFileTypes

Which dialogs to set the paths to.

fileOptions Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.EditorFileOptions

Which paths (view, upload, delete) to set.




A way to inject a custom implementation of the PDF export engine.


template Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Export.RadEditorExportTemplate

Object, which implements the RadEditorExportTemplate abstract class.




A way to inject a custom implementation of the RTF export engine.


template Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Export.RadEditorExportTemplate

Object, which implements the RadEditorExportTemplate abstract class.




A way to inject a custom implementation for accepting/rejecting track changes.


adapter Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.TrackChanges.ITrackChangesAdapter

A custom implementation of the track changes adapter




Causes the control to track changes to its view state so they can be stored in the object's System.Web.UI.Control.ViewState property.



In this article