Class representing a single shortcut that represents the keyboard combination required to execute a specific command. The Telerik.Web.UI.KeyboardNavigationCustomShortcut enables the use of custom commands to enable your custom commands and actions.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.KeyboardNavigationShortcut
- Telerik.Web.UI.KeyboardNavigationCustomShortcut
CustomCommand String
The name of the custom command that will be created and executed. Note: Custom commands does not have specific behavior.
Enabled Boolean
Gets or sets a value determining if the shortcut will be functioning. If Enabled is set to false the shortcut will not execute.
Key KeyboardNavigationKey
Gets or sets the key that should be pressed in order for the shortcut to be executed. Note: If the Modifiers value is set to None only the Key is sufficient to trigger the shortcut execution.
Modifiers KeyboardNavigationModifier
Gets or sets the modifiers that should be pressed in order for the shortcut to be executed. Multiple modifiers could be specified by using a commas in the page definition (Modifiers="Alt,Ctrl") or bitwise operations in the code behind Modifiers = KeyboardNavigationModifier.Alt | KeyboardNavigationModifier.Ctrl. Note: Setting the Modifiers to None will mean that no modifier is required to execute the shortcut.