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RadGrid and GridTableView use instance of this class to set style of thir PagerItem-s when rendering

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.MarshalByRefObject
  • System.ComponentModel.Component
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableItemStyle
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableItemStyle
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridPagerStyle


AlwaysVisible Boolean

Gets or set a value indicating whether the Pager will be visible regardless of the number of items. (See the remarks)


In order to display the grid pager regardless of the number of records returned and the page size, you should set this property of the corresponding GridTableView to true. Its default value is false.

ChangePageSizeButtonToolTip String

The ToolTip that will be applied to the ChangePageSize control.

ChangePageSizeComboBoxTableSummary String

The summary attribute that will be applied to the table which holds the ChangePageSize control.

ChangePageSizeComboBoxToolTip String

The ToolTip that will be applied to the input element in the ChangePageSize control.

ChangePageSizeTextBoxToolTip String

The ToolTip that will be applied to the ChangePageSize control.

EnableAllOptionInPagerComboBox Boolean

When this property is enabled, the combobox control in the pager will have an "All" option which could be used to display all items without disabling the paging

EnableSEOPaging Boolean

Get or set a value indicating whether the SEO (Search Engine Optimized) paging enabled

FirstPageImageUrl String

Gets or sets url for first page image

FirstPageText String

Text that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'first' page button

FirstPageToolTip String

ToolTip that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'next' page button

GoToPageButtonToolTip String

The ToolTip that will be applied to the GoToPage input element.

GoToPageTextBoxToolTip String

The ToolTip that will be applied to the GoToPage control.

HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign

Gets or sets the horizontal align of the pager. Accepts as values members of the enumeration.

IsDefault Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the default pager will be used, i.e. no customizations have been made.

IsDefault Boolean

Returns 'True' if none of the properties have been set

IsPagerOnBottom Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the pager is displayed on the bottom of the grid.

IsPagerOnTop Boolean

Gets a value indicating whether the pager is displayed on the top of the grid.

LastPageImageUrl String

Gets or sets url for first page image

LastPageText String

Text that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'last' page button

LastPageToolTip String

ToolTip that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'last' page button

Mode GridPagerMode

Gets or sets the mode of Telerik RadGrid Pager. The mode defines what the pager will contain. This property accepts as values only members of the GridPagerMode Enumeration.


You should have Paging enabled by setting the property.

NextPageImageUrl String

Gets or sets url for Next Page image

NextPagesToolTip String

ToolTip that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'next' page button

NextPageText String

Text that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'next' page button

NextPageToolTip String

ToolTip that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'next' page button

PageButtonCount Int32

Gets or sets the number of buttons that would be rendered if pager Mode is


By default 10 buttons will be displayed. If the number of grid pages is greater than 10, ellipsis will be displayed.

PagerTextFormat String

The string used to format the description text that appears in a pager item. See the remarks.


The parameters {0) - {4} are mandatory. Parameter {0} is used to display current page number. Parameter {1} is total number of pages. Parameter {2} will be replaced with the number of the first item in the current page. Parameter {3} will be set to the number of the last item in the current page. Parameter {4} indicates where pager buttons would appear. Parameter {5} corresponds to number of all items in the datasource.

PageSizeControlType PagerDropDownControlType

Gets or sets the type of the page size drop down control.

PageSizeLabelText String

The text of the page size label situated before the page size combo.

PageSizes Int32[]

Gets/sets a comma/semicolon delimited list of page size values.

Position GridPagerPosition

Gets or sets the Position of pager item(s).Accepts only values, members of the GridPagerPosition Enumeration.

PrevPageImageUrl String

Gets or sets url for Previous Page image

PrevPagesToolTip String

ToolTip that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'prev' page button

PrevPageText String

Text that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'previous' page button

PrevPageToolTip String

ToolTip that would appear if Mode is PrevNext for 'prev' page button

SEOPageIndexRouteParameterName String

Gets or sets the name of the URL parameter that specifies the page number when SEO paging and routing are enabled.

SEOPagingQueryStringKey String

Gets or sets the SEO paging query string key.

SEORouteName String

Gets or sets the name of the route that is used when SEO paging and routing are enabled.

ShowPagerText Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pager text or only the pager buttons will be displayed.

UseRouting Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether URL Routing is enabled for the current web application

Visible Boolean

Gets or sets the visibility of the pager item



Duplicates the non-empty style properties of the specified into the instance of the class that this method is called from.


s System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style

A that represents the style to copy.




Combines the style properties of the specified into the instance of the class that this method is called from.


s System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style

A that represents the style to combine.




Removes any defined style elements from the state bag.



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