Item that loads an EditForm during binding if P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.EditMode is F:Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditMode.EditForms . When in this mode RadGrid loads an EditFormItem for each normal data-bound item. EditForm is generated only for the items that are in P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridItem.Edit = true mode.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- System.Web.UI.Control
- System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
- System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableRow
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridItem : INamingContainer
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditFormItem
CanExpand Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether the item can be "expanded" to show its child items
ClientID String
Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET.
ConditionalExpanded Boolean
Used in HierarchyLoadMode="Conditional"
DataItem Object
The original DataItem from the DataSource. See examples section below.
DataSetIndex Int32
Gets the index of the GridDataItem in the underlying DataTable/specified table from a DataSet.
Display Boolean
Sets whether the GridItem will be visible or with style="display:none;"
Edit Boolean
Sets the Item in edit mode. Requires Telerik RadGrid to rebind.
If is set to InPlace, the grid column editors will be displayed inline of this item.
If is set to EditForms, a new
GridItem will be created, which will be child of this item
(GridEditFormItem). The new item will hold the edit form.
EditFormCell TableCell
The table cell where the edit form will be instantiated, during data-binding.
EditManager GridEditManager
Allows you to access the column editors
EditManager GridEditManager
Allows you to access the column editors
Expanded Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid item is expanded or collapsed.
FormColumns Control[]
FormColumns are only available when EditFormType is GridEditFormType.AutoGenerated. These are the container controls for each edit-form-column. You cna find the edit controls in these containers. You should not remove any controls from this containers.
GroupIndex String
Gets the index of the Item in the group. This works only when grouping.
HasChildItems Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether this item has child items - or items somehow related to this.
IsDataBound Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether the grid item is bound to a data source.
IsDataBound Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether the grid item is bound to a data source.
IsInEditMode Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether the grid item is in edit mode at the moment.
IsInEditMode Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether the grid item is in edit mode at the moment.
ItemIndex Int32
Gets the index of the grid item among the collection. This index also can be used to get the DataKeyValues corresponding to this item from a GridTableView.
ItemIndexHierarchical Int32
Get the unique item index among all the item in the hierarchy. This index is used when setting item to selected, edited, etc
ItemType GridItemType
Gets the respective GridItemType of the grid item.
KeyValues String
OwnerGridID String
Gets the ClientID of the RadGrid instance that owns the item.
This would be useful if several controls use the same eventhandler and you need to diferentiate the Grid instances in the handler.
OwnerID String
Gets the ClientID of the GridTableView that owns this instance.
OwnerTableView GridTableView
Gets a reference to the GridTableView that owns this GridItem.
ParentItem GridDataItem
The corresponding DataItem that the edit form is generated for.
SavedOldValues IDictionary
Gets the old value of the edited item
SavedOldValues IDictionary
Gets the old value of the edited item
SelectableMode GridItemSelectableMode
Gets or sets a value determining if the chould be selected either on the client or on the server.
Selected Boolean
Gets or set a value indicating whether the grid item is selected
Calculate column-span value for a cell using column list, when the cell indicated with FromCellIndex should be spanned to ToCellIndex
columns Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumn
columns - visible property is taken in count
FromCellIndex System.Int32
cell inbdex of spanned cell
ToCellIndex System.Int32
cell index of next not-spanned cell or -1 for the last cell index
ColSpan number
Extracts values for each column, using
newValues System.Collections.IDictionary
This dictionary to fill, this parameter should not be null
Extracts values for each column, using
newValues System.Collections.IDictionary
This dictionary to fill, this parameter should not be null
Use this method to simulate item command event that bubbles to RadGrid and can be handeled automatically or in a custom manner, handling RadGrid.ItemCommand event.
commandName System.String
command to bubble, for example 'Page'
commandArgument System.Object
command argument, for example 'Next'
Get the DataKeyValues from the owner GridTableView with the corresponding item ItemIndex and keyName. The keyName should be one of the specified in the array
keyName System.String
data key name
data key value
Used after postback before ViewState becomes available - for example in ItemCreated and ItemDataBound events
value System.String
Extracts values for each column, using and updates values in provided object;
objectToUpdate System.Object
The object that should be updated