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The class containing properties associated with the client-side functionlities of Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid .

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridClientSettings


ActiveRowIndex String

Gets or sets the index of the active row.

AllowAutoScrollOnDragDrop Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether MasterTableView will be automatically scrolled when an item is dragged.

AllowColumnHide Boolean

Gets or sets the property determining if the columns could be hidden.

AllowColumnsReorder Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether you will be able to reorder columns by using drag&drop. By default it is false.

AllowDragToGroup Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether you will be able to drag column headers to and let the grid automatically form and group its data.

AllowExpandCollapse Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the expand/collapse functionality for hierarchical structures in grid will be enabled.The AllowExpandCollapse property of RadGrid is meaningful with client hierarchy load mode only and determine whether the end user will be able to expand/collapse grid items. This property do not control the visibility of the corresponding expand/collapse column.


This property should be set to true, when working in HierarchyLoadMode.Client.

AllowGroupExpandCollapse Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the expand/collapse functionality for grouped data in grid will be enabled.The AllowGroupExpandCollapse property of RadGrid is meaningful with client group load mode only and determine whether the end user will be able to expand/collapse grid items. This property do not control the visibility of the corresponding expand/collapse column.

AllowKeyboardNavigation Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the keyboard navigation will be enabled in Telerik RadGrid.


Arrowkey Navigation - allows end-users to navigate around the menu structure using the arrow grid items pressing the [SPACE] keyedit rows hitting the [ENTER] key

AllowRowHide Boolean

Gets or sets a value which determines if the RadGrid rows could be hidden.

AllowRowsDragDrop Boolean

Gets or sets the value determining if the rows could be dragged and dropped.

Animation GridAnimationSettings

Gets a reference to class providing properties related to client-side grid animations.

ClientEvents GridClientEvents

Gets a reference to class.

ClientMessages GridClientMessages

Gets a reference to class, holding properties that can be used for localizing Telerik RadGrid.

ColumnsReorderMethod GridColumnsReorderMethod

Gets or sets the columns reorder method determining behavior when reordering method.

DataBinding GridClientDataBinding

Gets a reference to class providing properties related to client-side data-binding settings.

EnableAlternatingItems Boolean

Determines whether the alternating items will render with a different CSS class.

EnableClientPrint Boolean

Gets or sets a value which determines whether the client print grid functionality will be enabled.

EnablePostBackOnRowClick Boolean

Gets or sets the value dermeming if a row click will trigger a postback.

EnableRowHoverStyle Boolean

Gets or sets if a style is applied when a mouse is over a row.

KeyboardNavigationSettings GridKeyboardNavigationSettings

Gets a reference to class, holding properties related to RadGrid keyboard navigation.

ReorderColumnsOnClient Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether columns will be reordered on the client. This property is meaningful when used in conjunction with set to true.


False by default, which means that each time you try to reorder columns a postback will be performed.Note that in case this property is true the order changes will be persisted on the server only after postback.

Resizing GridResizing

Gets a reference to , which holds properties related to Telerik RadGrid resizing features.

Scrolling GridScrolling

Gets a reference to , which holds various properties for setting the Telerik RadGrid scrolling features.

Selecting GridSelecting

Gets a reference to class providing properties related to client-side selection features.

ShouldCreateRows Boolean

Gets if the client-side row objects will be created.

Virtualization GridVirtualization

Gets a reference to the which holds various properties for controling the Telerik RadGrid virtualization features.



Checks if a client settings property value was changed and differs from its default.


This method is for Telerik RadGrid internal usage.



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