The localization strings to be used in RadGantt.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.LocalizationStrings
- Telerik.Web.UI.GanttStrings
AddChild String
Gets or sets the add child action.
AdvancedAssignResources String
Gets or sets the assign resources string.
AdvancedEnd String
Gets or sets the end string.
AdvancedPercentComplete String
Gets or sets the Percent Complete string.
AdvancedResources String
Gets or sets the resources string.
AdvancedResourcesHeader String
Gets or sets the resources header string.
AdvancedResourcesTitle String
Gets or sets the resources editor title string.
AdvancedStart String
Gets or sets the start string.
AdvancedTitle String
Gets or sets the title string.
AdvancedUnitsHeader String
Gets or sets the units header string.
AdvancedWindowTitle String
Gets or sets the editor title string.
Append String
Gets or sets the append task action.
Cancel String
Gets or sets the cancel string.
ConfirmDeleteDependencyText String
Gets or sets the dependency delete confirmation text string.
ConfirmDeleteDependencyTitle String
Gets or sets the dependency delete confirmation title string.
ConfirmDeleteTaskText String
Gets or sets the task delete confirmation text string.
ConfirmDeleteTaskTitle String
Gets or sets the task delete confirmation title string.
Delete String
Gets or sets the cancel string.
ExportPdf String
Gets or sets the export to Pdf action.
HeaderDay String
Gets or sets the header day.
HeaderMonth String
Gets or sets the header month.
HeaderWeek String
Gets or sets the header week.
HeaderYear String
Gets or sets the header year.
InsertAfter String
Gets or sets the insert after action.
InsertBefore String
Gets or sets the insert before action.
Save String
Gets or sets the save string.
TooltipEnd String
Gets or sets the tooltip end string.
TooltipStart String
Gets or sets the tooltip start string.