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This Class defines the DropDownListItem in RadDropDownList.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.ControlItem : IMarkableStateManager, INamingContainer, IStateManager, IXmlSerializable
  • Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListItem : IComparable


AccessKey String

Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.

Gets the which this item belongs to.

ID String

The ID property is reserved for internal use. Please use the Value property or use the Attributes collection if you need to assign custom data to the item.

ImageUrl String

Gets or sets the path to an image to display for the item.


Use the ImageUrl property to specify the image for the item. If the ImageUrl property is set to empty string no image will be rendered. Use "~" (tilde) when referring to images within the current ASP.NET application.

Index Int32

Gets the zero based index of the item.

Selected Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is selected.



Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.


obj System.Object

An object to compare with this instance.


System.Int32 A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance is less than . Zero This instance is equal to . Greater than zero This instance is greater than .


Returns true if the control is rendered by the ControlItem itself; false if it was added by the user to the Controls collection.




Removes this from the control which contains it.



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