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Represents one table of data.


In case of flat grid structure, i.e. no hierarchy levels, this object is the MasterTableViewitself.In case of hierarchical structure, the topmost GridTableViewis the MasterTableView. All inner (child) tables are refered as DetailTables. Each table that has children tables has a collection called P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.DetailTables where you can access these tables.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompositeDataBoundControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableViewBase
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView


AdditionalDataFieldNames String[]

Gets or sets values indicating DataFieldNames that should be sorted, grouped, etc and are not included as columns, in case the property is false.

AllowAutomaticDeletes Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid will perform automatic deletes, i.e. using the DataSource controls functionality.

AllowAutomaticInserts Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid will perform automatic inserts, i.e. using the DataSource controls functionality.

AllowAutomaticUpdates Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid will perform automatic updates, i.e. using the DataSource controls functionality.

AllowCustomPaging Boolean

Gets or sets if the custom paging feature is enabled.


There are cases in which you may want to fetch only a fixed number of records and perform operations over this specified set of data. Telerik RadGrid allows such data manipulation through the custom paging mechanism integrated in the control. The main steps you need to undertake are: Set AllowPaging = true and AllowCustomPaging = true for your grid instanceImplement code logic which to extract merely a fixed number of records from the grid source and present them in the grid structureThe total number of records in the grid source should be defined through the VirtualItemCount property of the MasterTableView/GridTableView instance. Thus the grid "understands" that the data source contains the specified number of records and it should fetch merely part of them at a time to execute requested operation.Another available option for custom paging support is through the ObjectDataSource control custom paging feature: Custom paging with ObjectDataSource grid content generator

AllowCustomSorting Boolean

Gets or sets if the custom sorting feature is enabled.


With custom sorting turned on, RadGrid will display as Sorting Icons, will maintain the SortExpressions collection and so on, but it will not actually sort the Data. You should perform the custom sorting in the SortCommand event handler. You can also use the method, which will return the sort expressions string in the same format as it wold be used by a DataView component.

AllowFilteringByColumn Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the filtering by column feature is enabled.


When the value is true, GridTableView will display the filtering item, under the table's header item. The filtering can be controlled based on a column through column properties: , , . The column method is used to determine if a column can be used with filtering. Generally, this function returns the value set to AllowFiltering for a specific column.

AllowMultiColumnSorting Boolean

Gets or sets the value indicating wheather more than one column can be sorted in a single GridTableView. The order is the same as the sequence of expressions in .

AllowNaturalSort Boolean

Gets or sets the value indicated whether the no-sort state when changing sort order will be allowed.

AllowPaging Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the paging feature is enabled.


Instead of displaying all the records in the data source at the same time, the GridTableView control can automatically break the records up into pages. If the data source supports the paging capability, the GridTableView control can take advantage of that and provide built-in paging functionality. The paging feature can be used with any data source object that supports the System.Collections.ICollection interface or a data source that supports paging capability.To enable the paging feature, set the AllowPaging property to true. By default, the GridTableView control displays 10 records on a page at a time. You can change the number of records displayed on a page by setting the PageSize property. To determine the total number of pages required to display the data source contents, use the PageCount property. You can determine the index of the currently displayed page by using the CurrentPageIndex property.When paging is enabled, an additional row called the pager item is automatically displayed in the GridTableView control. The pager row contains controls that allow the user to navigate to the other pages. You can control the settings of the pager row (such as the pager display mode, the number of page links to display at a time, and the pager control's text labels) by using the PagerStyle properties. The pager row can be displayed at the top, bottom, or both the top and bottom of the control by setting the Position property. You can also select from one of six built-in pager display modes by setting the Mode property.The GridTableView control also allows you to define a custom template for the pager row. For more information on creating a custom pager row template, see PagerTemplate.The GridTableView control provides an event that you can use to perform a custom action when paging occurs.EventDescriptionOccurs when one of the pager buttons is clicked, but after the GridTableView control handles the paging operation. This event is commonly used when you need to perform a task after the user navigates to a different page in the control.

AllowSorting Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sorting feature is enabled.


When a data source control that supports sorting is bound to the GridTableView control, the GridTableView control can take advantage of the data source control's capabilities and provide automatic sorting functionality.To enable sorting, set the AllowSorting property to true. When sorting is enabled, the heading text for each column field with its SortExpressions property set is displayed as a link button.Clicking the link button for a column causes the items in the GridTableView control to be sorted based on the sort expression. Typically, the sort expression is simply the name of the field displayed in the column, which causes the GridTableView control to sort with respect to that column. To sort by multiple fields, use a sort expression that contains a comma-separated list of field names. You can determine the sort expression that the GridTableView control is applying by using the SortExpressions property. Clicking a column's link button repeatedly toggles the sort direction between ascending and descending order.Note that if you want to sort the grid by a column different than a GridBoundColumn, you should set also its SortExpression property to the desired data field name you want the column to be sorted by.

AlternatingItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of alternating items in a GridTableView control.


Use the AlternatingItemStyle property to control the appearance of alternating items in a GridTableView control. When this property is set, the items are displayed alternating between the ItemStyle settings and the AlternatingItemStyle settings. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the GridTableView control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, AlternatingItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest an <AlternatingItemStyle> element between the opening and closing tags of the GridTableView control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, AlternatingItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

AutoGenerateColumns Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid will automatically generate columns at runtime based on its DataSource.

AutoGeneratedColumns GridColumnCollection

Get an array of automatically generated columns. This array is available when is set to true. Autogenerated columns appear always after when rendering.

CanRetrieveAllData Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether Telerik RadGrid should retrieve all data and ignore server paging in case of filtering or grouping.

Caption String

Gets or sets a string that specifies a brief description of a GridTableView. Related to Telerik RadGrid accessibility compliance.


Use the Caption property to specify the text to render in an HTML caption element in a GridTableView control. The text that you specify provides assistive technology devices with a description of the table that can be used to make the control more accessible.

CellPadding Int32

Gets or sets the cell padding of the html table.

CellSpacing Int32

Gets or sets the cell spacing of the html table.

CheckListWebServicePath String

Get or set Path for the WebService that to be used for populating filter checklist with values.

ChildEditItems GridItemCollection

Gets all items among the hierarchy of GridTableView items that are in edit mode. The edit items in a GridTableView are cleared when collapses.

ChildSelectedItems GridItemCollection

Gets all items among the hierarchy of GridTableView items that are selected. The selected items in a GridTableView are cleared when collapses and the ParentItem becomes selected.

ClientDataKeyNames String[]

This property is used to specify the field from the underlying datasource, which will populate the ClientDataKeyNames collection. This collection can later be accessed on the client, to get the key value(s).The following example demonstrates the extraction of the data key value for a given data table view object:

    <ClientEvents OnHierarchyExpanded="HierarchyExpanded" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    function HierarchyExpanded(sender, args)
        var firstClientDataKeyName =
        alert("Item with " + firstClientDataKeyName + ":'" +  args.getDataKeyValue(firstClientDataKeyName) + "' expanded.");

The logic is placed in the OnHierarchyExpanded client side event handler, which is triggered when the user expands a node in a hierarchical grid, but can be used in any other event, given that a proper reference to the client table view object is obtained.

ClientID String

Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET.

ColumnGroups GridColumnGroupCollection

Gets the column groups.

Columns GridColumnCollection

Gets a collection of GridColumn objects that represent the column fields in a GridTableView control.


A column field represents a column in a GridTableView control. The Columns property (collection) is used to store all the explicitly declared column fields that get rendered in the GridTableView control. You can also use the Columns collection to programmatically manage the collection of column fields.The column fields are displayed in the GridTableView control in the order that the column fields appear in the Columns collection. To get a list of all columns rendered in the current instance use Although you can programmatically add column fields to the Columns collection, it is easier to list the column fields declaratively in the GridTableView control and then use the Visible property of each column field to show or hide each column field.If the Visible property of a column field is set to false, the column is not displayed in the GridTableView control and the data for the column does not make a round trip to the client. If you want the data for a column that is not visible to make a round trip, add the field name to the DataKeyNames property.This property can be managed programmatically or by Property Builder (IDE designer).

CommandItemDisplay GridCommandItemDisplay

Gets or sets the default position of the GridCommandItem as defined by the . The possible values are:None - this is the default value - the command item will not be renderedTop - the command item will be rendered on the top of the gridBottom - the command item will be rendered on the bottom of the gridTopAndBottom - the command item will be rendered both on top and bottom of the grid.

CommandItemSettings GridCommandItemSettings

Gets a set the options for GridTableView's command item.

CommandItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a referenct to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the command item in a GridTableView control.

CommandItemTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the template that will be instantiated in the CommandItem. If this template is set, RadGrid will not create the default CommandItem controls.

Controls ControlCollection

Gets a collection of the child controls within the composite data-bound control.

CurrentPageIndex Int32

Gets or sets a value indicating the index of the currently active page in case paging is enabled ( is true).

CurrentResetPageIndexAction GridResetPageIndexAction

Gets or sets a value that describes how RadGrid would respond if the is invalid when data-binding.


This property is not persisted in the ViewState. By deafult the value is .

CustomPageSize Int32

Stores a custom PageSize value if such is set when page mode is NextPrevAndNumeric

DataKeyNames String[]

Gets or sets an array of data-field names that will be used to populate the collection, when the GridTableView control is databinding.


Use the DataKeyNames property to specify the field or fields that represent the primary key of the data source.Note: Values set to this property are case-sensitive! The field names should be coma-separated. The data key names/values are stored in the ViewState so they are available at any moment after grid have been data-bound, after postbacks, etc. This collection is used when editing data, and for automatic relations when binding an hiararchical grid (see ). If the Visible property of a column field is set to false, the column is not displayed in the GridTableView control and the data for the column does not make a round trip to the client. If you want the data for a column that is not visible to make a round trip, add the field name to the DataKeyNames property.

DataKeyValues GridDataKeyArray

Gets a collection of DataKeyValue objects that represent the data key value of the corresponding item (specified with its ) and the DataKeyName (case-sensitive!). The DataKeyName should be one of the specified in the array.


When the DataKeyNames property is set, the GridTableView control automatically creates a DataKeyValue object for each item in the control. The DataKeyValue object contains the values of the field or fields specified in the DataKeyNames property. The DataKeyValue objects are then added to the control's DataKeysValue collection. Use the DataKeysValue property to retrieve the DataKeyValue object for a specific data item in the GridTableView control.

DataSource Object

Gets or sets the object from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items.


Generally the DataSource object references . Assign this property only if you need to change the default behavior or . RadGrid modifies this property when is assigned. On postback the DataSource property settings are not persisted due to performance reasons. Note, however, that you can save the grid DataSource in a Session/Application/Cache variable and then retrieve it from there after postback invocation. Respectively, you can get the changes made in the data source in a dataset object and then operate with them.This property cannot be set by themes or style sheet themes.

DataSourceCount Object

Gets the number of pages if paging is enabled.

DataSourceID Object

Gets or sets the ID of the DataSource control used for population of this GridTableView data items.


This property cannot be set by themes or style sheet themes.

DeleteMethod String

Gets or sets the name of the method to call in order to delete data

DetailItemTemplate ITemplate

DetailwItemTemplate is a template that will be instantiated as a part of each data item. Supports one-way databinding.

DetailTables GridTableViewCollection

Gets or sets the collection of detail table views for this GridTableView.


Adding or removing objects to the DetailTables collection changes the hierarchical structure.

                Use  after modifying the collection
            This collection can also be altered unsing the environment designer.

Dir GridTableTextDirection

Gets or sets the text direction. This property is related to Telerik RadGrid support for Right-To-Left lanugages. It has two possible vales defined by enumeration:LTR - left-to-right textRTL - right-to-left text

EditFormSettings GridEditFormSettings

Gets a value defining the setting that will be applied when an Item is in edit mode and the property is set to EditForms.

EditItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the item selected for editing in a GridTableView control.


Use the EditItemStyle property to control the appearance of the item in edit mode. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the GridTableView control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, EditItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest an <EditItemStyle> element between the opening and closing tags of the GridTableView control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, EditItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

EditItemTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the EditItemTemplate, which is rendered in the control in edit mode.

EditMode GridEditMode

FormsGets or sets a value indicating how a GridItem will look in edit mode.


There are two possible values defined by the GridEditMode enumeration:InPlaceEditFormsTo display the grid column editors inline when switching grid item in edit mode (see the screenshot below), you simply need to change the EditMode property to InPlace. <radg:RadGrid id="RadGrid1" runat="server"><MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="True" EditMode="InPlace" /></radg:RadGrid>To display the grid column editors in auto-generated form when switching grid item in edit mode (see the screenshot below), you simply need to change the MasterTableView EditMode property to EditForms. <radg:RadGrid id="RadGrid1" runat="server"><MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="True" EditMode="EditForms" /></radg:RadGrid>

EnableColumnsViewState Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether all columns settings will be persisted in the ViewState or not.

EnableGroupsExpandAll Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the groups expand/collapse all header buttons should be switched on.

EnableHeaderContextAggregatesMenu Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the option to set columns aggregates should appear in header context menu.

EnableHeaderContextFilterMenu Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header context filter menu should be enabled.

EnableHeaderContextMenu Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header context menu should be enabled.

EnableHierarchyExpandAll Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hierarchy expand/collapse all header buttons should be switched on.

EnableLinqGrouping Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether grouping will use LINQ queries.

EnableNoRecordsTemplate Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether RadGrid will show instead of the corresponding if there is no items to display.

EnableSplitHeaderText Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the text in the header of the GridTableView should be split on capital letter. True if header text should be split; otherwise, false. The default is true.

            This property is meaningful only when the GridTableView has AutoGenerateColumns = "true"

ExpandCollapseColumn GridExpandColumn

Gets a reference to the object, allowing you to customize its settings.


The property setter does nothing and should not be used. It works around a bug in the VS.NET designer.

FilterExpression String

Gets or sets the filtering options for grid columns.


In the most common case, Telerik RadGrid checks all filtering options for each column, then prepares a filter expression and sets this property internally. Note: You should be careful when setting this property as it may break the whole filtering functionality for your grid.More info on the way, the expressions are created you can find

         here (external link to MSDN library).

FilterItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the filter item in a GridTableView control.

FooterStyle GridTableItemStyle

Manage visual style of the footer item.

Frame GridTableFrame

Gets or sets a value specifying the frame table attribute.


The frame attribute for a table specifies which sides of the frame surrounding the table will be visible. Possible values:void: No sides. This is the default value.above: The top side only.below: The bottom side only.hsides: The top and bottom sides only.vsides: The right and left sides only.lhs: The left-hand side only.rhs: The right-hand side All four sides.border: All four sides

GridLines GridLines

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border lines for grid cells will be displayed.


Use the GridLines property to specify the gridline style for a GridTableView control. The following table lists the available styles.StyleDescriptionGridLines.NoneNo gridlines are displayed.GridLines.HorizontalDisplays the horizontal gridlines only.GridLines.VerticalDisplays the vertical gridlines only.GridLines.BothDisplays both the horizontal and vertical gridlines.

GridLines GridLines

Gets or sets a value that specifies the gridline styles for controls that display items in a table structure.

GroupByExpressions GridGroupByExpressionCollection

Adding to this collection will cause the current table-view to display items sorted and devided in groups separated by s, that display common group and aggregate field values. See on details of expressions syntax.


Note that the correctness of the expressions in the collection is checked when DataBind occures. Then if an expression in not correct or a combination of expressions is erroneous a would be thrown on . This property's value is preserved in the ViewState.

GroupFooterTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the group footer ItemTemplate.

GroupHeaderFooterIndexMap Dictionary`2

Returns a Dictionary of group header index and the corresponsding group footer item

GroupHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Manage visual style of the group header items.

GroupHeaderTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the group header ItemTemplate.

GroupLoadMode GridGroupLoadMode

Specifies where the grouping will be handled. There are two options:Server-side - GridTableView.GroupLoadMode.ServerClient-side - GridTableView.GroupLoadMode.Client


GridTableView.GroupLoadMode.ServerThis is the default behavior. Groups are expanded after postback to the server for example: <MasterTableView GroupLoadMode="Server">GridTableView.GroupLoadMode.ClientGroups will be expanded client-side and no postback will be performed. <MasterTableView GroupLoadMode="Client"> and set the client setting AllowGroupExpandCollapse to true: <ClientSettings AllowGroupExpandCollapse="True">

GroupsDefaultExpanded Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the groups will be expanded on grid load (true by default).

HasDetailTables GridTableViewCollection

Gets a value indicating if the GridTableView instance has children (Detail) tables.

HasMultiHeaders Boolean

Gets value indicating whether the GridTableView will render multiple headers. Read only.

HeaderStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the header item in a GridTableView control.


Use the HeaderStyle property to control the appearance of the header item in a GridTableView control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridTableItemStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the GridTableView control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridTableItemStyle object (for example, HeaderStyle-ForeColor).Nest a <HeaderStyle> element between the opening and closing tags of the GridTableView control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, HeaderStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

HierarchyDefaultExpanded Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hierarchy will be expanded by default. The default value of the property is false.

HierarchyIndex String

The unique hierarchy index of the current table view, generated when it is binding.

HierarchyLoadMode GridChildLoadMode

Gets or sets a value indicating when the DataBind of the child GridTableView will occur when working in hierarchy mode. Accepts values from enumeration. See the remars for details.


Changing this propery value impacts the performance the following way:In ServerBind mode - Roundtrip to the database only when grid is bound. ViewState holds all detail tables data. Only detail table-views of the expanded items are rendered. Postback to the server to expand an itemIn ServerOnDemand mode - Roundtrip to the database when grid is bound and when item is expanded. ViewState holds data for only visible Items (smallest possible). Only detail table-views of the expanded items are rendered. Postback to the server to expand an item.In Client mode - Roundtrip to the database only when grid is bound. ViewState holds all detail tables data. All items are rendered - even is not visible (not expanded). NO postback to the server to expand an item - expand/collapse of hierarchy items is managed client-side.Note: In order to use client-side hierarchy expand, you will need to set also

                to true.

HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign

Gets or sets a value indicating the horizontal alignment of the grid table.


Use the HorizontalAlign property to specify the horizontal alignment of a GridTableView control within the page. The following table lists the different horizontal alignment styles.Alignment valueDescriptionHorizontalAlign.NotSetThe horizontal alignment of the GridTableView control has not been set.HorizontalAlign.LeftThe GridTableView control is left-aligned on the page.HorizontalAlign.CenterThe GridTableView control is centered on the page.HorizontalAlign.RightThe GridTableView control is right-aligned on the page.HorizontalAlign.JustifyThe GridTableView control is aligned with both the left and right margins of the page.

HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign

Gets or sets a value that specifies the horizontal alignment of items within a container.

ID String

Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the current GridTableView.


This property is set automatically by RadGrid object that owns this instance.

InsertItemDisplay GridInsertItemDisplay

Gets or sets a value determining the position of the .

InsertItemPageIndexAction GridInsertItemPageIndexAction

Gets or sets on which page the will go after item insertion.

InsertMethod String

Gets or sets the name of the method to call in order to insert data

IsFilterItemExpanded Boolean

Gets or sets the Expanded value of the .

IsItemInserted Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the GridTableView is currently in insert mode.


The ItemInserted property indicates if the GridTableView is currently in insert mode. After setting it you should call the method. You can also use the method, that will also reposition the grid to show the last page, where the newly inserted item is generally displayed.

Items GridDataItemCollection

Gets a collection of GridDataItem objects that represent the data items in a GridDataItem control.


The Items property (collection) is used to store the data items in a GridTableView control. The GridTableView control automatically populates the Items collection by creating a GridDataItem object for each record in the data source and then adding each object to the collection. This property is commonly used to access a specific item in the control or to iterate though the entire collection of items.

ItemsCreated GridDataItemCollection

Indicates whether the items have been created, generally by data-binding.

ItemsHierarchy GridDataItemCollection

Gets a collection of all data items of a grid table view and items that belong to child tables of the GridTableView if the hierarchy is expanded. The items are collected depth-first. The property actually referres to ItemsHierarchy of. This property can be used to traverse all DataItems items in the hiearchy of a GridTableView.

ItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of items in a GridTableView control.

ItemTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the ItemTemplate, which is rendered in the control in normal (non-Edit) mode.

MaxColumnSpan Int32

Caches the maximum column span value of the current tableview

MultiHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a referenct to the GridTableItemStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the multi header item in a GridTableView control.

Name String

Gets or sets the name of the GridTableView.


The Name property can be used distinguish different GridTableView instances. Often used to set different settings for different views conditionally.

NestedViewSettings GridNestedViewSettings

Gets a set of options for the GridTableView's data-bound nested view template.

NestedViewTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the ItemTemplate, which is rendered in the control in normal (non-Edit) mode.

NoDetailRecordsText String

Gets or sets the text that will be displayed in there is no defined and no records in the Detail tables.


The empty data row is displayed in a GridTableView control when the data source that is bound to the control does not contain any records. Use the NoMasterRecordsText and NoDetailRecordsText property to specify the text to display in the empty data item. Alternatively, you can define your own custom user interface (UI) for the empty data item by setting the NoRecordsTemplate property instead of this property.

NoMasterRecordsText String

Gets or sets the text that will be displayed in there is no defined and no records in the MasterTableView.


The empty data row is displayed in a GridTableView control when the data source that is bound to the control does not contain any records. Use the NoMasterRecordsText and NoDetailRecordsText property to specify the text to display in the empty data item. Alternatively, you can define your own custom user interface (UI) for the empty data item by setting the NoRecordsTemplate property instead of this property.

NoRecordsTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the template that will be displayed if a GridTableView control is bound to a data source that does not contain any records.


You can set the text that will appear in the NoRecordsTemplate through NoMasterRecordsText and NoDetailRecordsText properties. By default if Items.Count equals 0, GridTableView will render no records message.If NoRecordsTemplate and NoMasterRecordsText/NoDetailRecordsText are set, the NoRecordsTemplate property has priority.

OverrideDataSourceControlSorting Object

Gets or sets a value indicating if the GridTableView should override the default DataSourceControl sorting with grid native sorting.


You can set this to true in case of ObjectDataSource with IEnumerable data without implemented sorting.

OwnerGrid RadGrid

Gets the owner RadGrid object.

OwnerID String

Gets the ClientID of the RadGrid object that contains this instance.

PageCount Int32

Gets the number of pages required to display the records of the data source in a GridTableView control.


When the paging feature is enabled (by setting the AllowPaging Property to true), use the PageCount property to determine the total number of pages required to display the records in the data source. This value is calculated by dividing the total number of records in the data source by the number of records displayed in a page (as specified by the PageSize property) and rounding up.

PagerStyle GridPagerStyle

Gets a reference to the GridPagerStyle object that allows you to set the appearance of the pager item in a GridTableView control.


Use the PagerStyle property to control the appearance of the pager item in a GridTableView control. The pager item is displayed when the paging feature is enabled (by setting the AllowPaging property to true) and contains the controls that allow the user to navigate to the different pages in the control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the GridPagerStyle object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the GridTableView control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the GridPagerStyle object (for example, PagerStyle-ForeColor).Nest a <PagerStyle> element between the opening and closing tags of the GridTableView control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, PagerStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

PagerTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the custom content for the pager item in a GridTableView control.


If this template is set, RadGrid will not create the default pager controls.

PageSize Int32

Specify the maximum number of items that would appear in a page, when paging is enabled by or property. Default value is the value of .


When the paging feature is enabled (by setting the AllowPaging property to true), use the PageSize property to specify the number of records to display on a single page.

PagingManager GridPagingManager

Gets a Paging object that is the result of paging settings and runtime paging state of the grid.


Note that changes made to this object would not have effect on the structure of the grid.

ParentItem GridDataItem

Gets a reference to a GridItem that is a parent of this GridTableView, when this GridTableView represents a child table in a hierarchical structure.


Whenever a page is requested, a hierarchy of server controls on that page is built. This property allows you to determine the parent control of the current server control in that hierarchy, and to program against it.

ParentTableRelation GridTableViewRelation

Gets or sets the collection of data-field pairs that describe the relations in a hierarchical grid.


If you have specified the relations RadGrid will automatically filter the child data-source when when binding detail-tables. The specified in each in this collection should be a Key that is specified in the parent table's array. Each DetailKeyField specfied should also be included in this GridTableView's DataKeyNames array. MasterTableView does not need any ParentTableRelations.

PersistWhiteSpacesInFilter Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether white-space characters inside the filter expression will be trimmed.


When the value is true, it will not be trimmed and any white-space characters in it will be included in the filter expression.

RenderActiveItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of an ActiveItem.

RenderAlternatingItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of the AlternatingItem.

RenderColumns GridColumnCollection

Gets an array of all columns that are used when rendering the grid instance.


Modifying the array would not affect rendering as it is regenerated before each data-bind. To modify the list of columns available use property.

RenderCommandItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of a CommandItem.

RenderEditItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of an edit Item.

RenderFilterItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of a FilterItem.

RenderFooterStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of an FooterItem.

RenderGroupHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of the group header items.

RenderHeaderStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of a GridHeaderItem.

RenderItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of an Item.

RenderMultiHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets the rendering style of a MultiHeaderItem.

RenderPagerStyle GridPagerStyle

Gets the rendering style of the Pager item.

RequiresBinding Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether RadGrid will be built on PreRender unless it was built before that. This property is supposed for Telerik RadGrid internal usage, yet you can set it with care.

ResolvedDataSourceView GridEnumerableBase

Gets a DataView object that represents the data sent to the to be displayed.


ResolvedDataSourceView is available only in event handler i.e. when the grid is bound.

RetainExpandStateOnRebind Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the property of both hierarchy and group items will be retained after a call to or method.

RetrieveAllDataFields Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the GridTableView will extract all bindable properties from the DataSource when binding, to perform operations like sorting, grouping, etc on DataFields that are not included in the column declarations.


You can also use the array to indicate RadGrid DataFieldNames that should be sorted, grouped, ect and are not included as columns.

RetrieveDataTypeFromFirstItem Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether items' data type should be retrieved from supplied enumerable's first item.


You should enable this property in scenarios in which the item type should not be retrieved from the enumerable's generic argument but from its first item's type. Such cases will be the use of various O/R Mappers where the enumerable is a entity base class and does not contains the actual object's properties.

RetrieveNullAsDBNull Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether null values in the database will be retrieved as dbnull values.

RowIndicatorColumn GridRowIndicatorColumn

Gets a reference to the object, allowing you to customize its settings.


The property setter does nothing and should not be used. It works around a bug in the VS.NET designer.

SelectedItemStyle GridTableItemStyle

Gets a reference to the Style object that allows you to set the appearance of the selected item in a GridTableView control.


Use the SelectedItemStyle property to control the appearance of the selected item in a GridTableView control. This property is read-only; however, you can set the properties of the Style object it returns. The properties can be set declaratively using one of the following methods:Place an attribute in the opening tag of the GridTableView control in the form Property-Subproperty, where Subproperty is a property of the Style object (for example, SelectedItemStyle-ForeColor).Nest a <SelectedRowStyle> element between the opening and closing tags of the GridTableView control.The properties can also be set programmatically in the form Property.Subproperty (for example, SelectedItemStyle.ForeColor). Common settings usually include a custom background color, foreground color, and font properties.

SelectMethod String

Gets or sets the name of the method to call in order to read data

SelfHierarchySettings GridSelfHierarchySettings

Gets a set the options for GridTableView's self-hierarchy behavior.

ShowFooter Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the will be shown in the current GridTableView.

ShowGroupFooter Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the will be shown in the current GridTableView.

ShowHeader Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating if the will be shown in the current GridTableView.

ShowHeadersWhenNoRecords Boolean

If set to true (the default) GridNoRecordsItem is used to display no records template. This item is the only one displayed in the GridTableView in this case.

SortExpressions GridSortExpressionCollection

Gets a collection of sort expressions for this table view instance, associated with the column or columns being sorted.


Modifying the SortExpressions collection will result in change of the order of appearance of items in the table view. If is set to false this collection can only contain one item. Adding other in the collection in this case will cause existing expression to be deleted or if GridSortExpression with the same same exist its will be changed. This property's value is preserved in the ViewState.

SortHeaderContextMenuColumns Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Columns in the will be sorted by default.

Summary String

Gets or sets the 'summary' attribute for the respective table.


This attribute provides a summary of the table's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media such as speech and Braille. This property is a part of Telerik RadGrid accessibility features.

TabIndex Int16

Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control.

TableLayout GridTableLayout

Gets or sets a string that indicates whether the table layout is fixed.


The value of the TableLayout property is a string that specifies or receives one of the following GridTableLayout enumeration values: AutoDefault (except in some scenarios, e.g. when using static headers with grouping or hierarchy). Column width is set by the widest unbreakable content in the column cells.Fixed Table and column widths are set either by the sum of the widths on the objects or, if these are not specified, by the width of the first row of cells. If no width is specified for the table, it renders by default with width=100%.

TimeZoneID String

Gets or sets the current time zone GridTableView is operating in

TimeZoneProvider TimeZoneInfoProvider

Gets a reference to the TimeZoneInfoProvider which exposes methods for converting DateTime values according to certain time zone.

UpdateMethod String

Gets or sets the name of the method to call in order to update data

UseAllDataFields Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the GridTableView should use all retieved properties from the DataSource when binding, to perform operations like sorting, grouping, etc on DataFields that are not included in the column declarations.


You can also use the array to indicate RadGrid DataFieldNames that should be sorted, grouped, ect and are not included as columns.

VirtualItemCount Int32

Width Unit

Gets or sets the width of the Web server control.



recursively calculates a number of properties (col and row spans, visibility, order indexes etc.) for each cell in the multi header structure


System.Int32[] the colSpan of the top multiheader cell


Removes all edit items that belong to the GridTableView instance.




Clears any edited items with an index greater than the new page size.


newPageSize System.Int32

The new page size.




Removes all selected items that belong to this GridTableView instance.




Export-specific method. Clears the table view controls of type IScriptControl and IExtenderControl


control System.Web.UI.Control

Control parameter passed through the recursive method




Recreates all GridItems and chld controls, using the DataSource or the ViewState


useDataSource System.Boolean

'True' means that DataBind() is executing. 'False' means that Viewtate has been just loaded after postback.




This method is used by RadGrid internally. Please do not use.




Binds the data source to the RadGrid instance.


Call this member to bind partially RadGrid. Before calling this method the property should be assigned or you can use method instead. Use or member to bind all GridTableViews in RadGrid.




Exports the grid data in CSV format using the properties set in ExportSettings




Exports the grid data in Microsoft Excel format using the properties set in the ExportSettings.




Exports the grid data in PDF format using the properties set in the ExportSettings.




Exports the grid data in Microsoft Word format based on the selected ExportSettings.




The passed IDictionary object (like Hashtable for example) will be filled with the names/values of the corresponding column data-fields and their values. Only instances of type support extracting values.


newValues System.Collections.IDictionary

the dictionary that will be filled

editedItem Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem

the item to extract values from




Finds the based on specified key name and key value.


keyName System.String

The key name.

keyValue System.Object

The key value.




Finds a collection of objects based on a of key values.


dictionary System.Collections.IDictionary

The dictionary containing key values..




Generates the text representing the Export Output for Microsoft Excel XSLX format using the properties set in the ExportSettings.




Generates a SpreadProcessing Workbook that can be exported to a number of formats such as XLSX, PDF and others. For more information, check




Returns the column editor for the specified column for EditMode="Batch". Note that you should use GetBatchEditorContainer method for template columns which will return the panel container and then use a FindControl method to find your control.


column Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumn

The column for which the column editor will be returned.


Telerik.Web.UI.IGridColumnEditor Returns the column editor associated with the column.


Returns the column editor from the specified column UniqueName for EditMode="Batch". Note that you should use GetBatchEditorContainer method for template columns which will return the panel container and then use a FindControl method to find your control.


columnUniqueName System.String

The column unique name for which the column editor will be returned.


Telerik.Web.UI.IGridColumnEditor Returns the column editor associated with the column.


Returns the that holds the controls initialized from a template or editor for EditMode="Batch".


column Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumn

The column for which the container will be returned.


System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel Returns the container associated with the column.


Returns the that holds the controls initialized from a template or editor for EditMode="Batch".


columnUniqueName System.String

The column unique name for which the column editor will be returned.


System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel Returns the container associated with the column.


Returns a based on its .


columnUniqueName System.String

The for the requested column.


Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumn The GridColumn object related to the columnUniqueName.


Returns a based on its .


columnUniqueName System.String

The for the requested column.




Returns the filter expression for the current table view object using the Entity SQL syntax. This would work only when EnableLinqExpressions property is enabled.


System.String String value containing the ESQL filter expression


Obtains the in the header that corresponds to the column unique name passed as an argument.


uniqueName System.String

The targeted column unique name


Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableHeaderCell A representing the column header cell


Get the item that appears when grid is in Insert Mode.


There is scenarios in which you need to make some changes with/depending on the inserted item.If you want to predifine some controls values on item insertion, you should use the ItemCommand server-side event to access it: [C#]private void RadGrid1_ItemCommand(object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs e){ if (e.CommandName == RadGrid.InitInsertCommandName) { e.Canceled = true; e.Item.OwnerTableView.InsertItem(); GridEditableItem insertedItem = e.Item.OwnerTableView.GetInsertItem(); GridEditFormItem editFormItem = insertedItem as GridEditFormItem; TextBox box = editFormItem.FindControl("txtEmployeeID") as TextBox; box.Text = "11"; }} [VB.NET]

        Private Sub RadGrid1_ItemCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.ItemCommand         If (e.CommandName = RadGrid.InitInsertCommandName) Then
                    e.Canceled = True            e.Item.OwnerTableView.InsertItem()             Dim insertedItem As GridEditableItem = e.Item.OwnerTableView.GetInsertItem()
                     Dim editFormItem As GridEditFormItem = CType(insertedItem, GridEditFormItem)             Dim box As TextBox = CType(MyUserControl.FindControl("insertedItem"), TextBox)            box.Text = "11"         End If End Sub
            If you want to get access to
            the newly added row and its values to update in a custom data source, you can use
            the InsertCommand event:[C#]protected void RadGrid1_InsertCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e)   {       GridDataInsertItem gridDataInsertItem =           (GridDataInsertItem)(RadGrid1.MasterTableView.GetInsertItem());
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();       gridDataInsertItem.ExtractValues(ht);       //Loop through each "DictionaryEntry" in hash table and insert using key value      foreach (DictionaryEntry ent in ht)  
             {           //get the key values and insert to custom datasource.      } }[Visual Basic]
        Protected Sub RadGrid1_InsertCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As GridCommandEventArgs)    Dim gridDataInsertItem As GridDataInsertItem = CType(RadGrid1.MasterTableView.GetInsertItem,GridDataInsertItem)
            Dim ht As Hashtable = New Hashtable    gridDataInsertItem.ExtractValues(ht)    'Loop through each "DictionaryEntry" in hash table and insert using key value     For Each ent As DictionaryEntry In ht
                'get the key values and insert to custom datasource.     NextEnd Sub


Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem A reference to the newly inserted item for the respective GridTableView.


Returns a collection of objects based on their .


includeItemTypes Telerik.Web.UI.GridItemType

The , which will be used as a criteria for the collection.


Telerik.Web.UI.GridItem[] A s collection of objects based on their .


Get a list of the page sizes set declaratively either in the current table view or in the owner grid. Default value is {10,20,50}


System.Int32[] List of page sizes


Gets the currently selected items.


Telerik.Web.UI.GridDataItem[] Returns an Array of objects representing the currently selected items.


Places the GridTableView in insert mode, allowing user to insert a new data-item values. The will be set to display the last page. You can use also the to place the GridTableView in insert mode.




Places the GridTableView in insert mode, allowing the user to insert a new data-item values. The GridInsertItem created will be bound to values of the newDataItem object. The will be set to display the last page. You can use also the property to place the GridTableView in insert mode.




Places the GridTableView in insert mode, allowing the user to insert a new data-item values. The GridInsertItem created will be bound to values found in newValues dictionary; The will be set to display the last page. You can use also the to place the GridTableView in insert mode.




Perform asynchronous delete operation, using the DataSourceControl API the Rebinds the grid. Please make sure you have specified the correct DataKeyNames for the GridTableView. When the asynchronous operation calls back, RadGrid will fire event.


editedItem Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem

The item that should be deleted




Perform delete operation, using the DataSourceControl API. Please make sure you have specified the correct DataKeyNames for the GridTableView.


editedItem Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem

The item that should be deleted

suppressRebind System.Boolean

Set to true to stop error from binding




Perform asynchronous insert of the new item, diplayed by RadGrid when in edit mode, using the DataSourceControl API, then . When the asynchronous operation calls back, RadGrid will fire event.




Performs asynchronous insert operation, using the DataSourceControl API, then Rebinds. When the asynchronous operation calls back, RadGrid will fire event.


editedItem Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem

item to be inserted




Perform asynchronous insert operation, using the DataSource control API. When the asynchronous operation calls back, RadGrid will fire event.


editedItem Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem

the item to be inserted

suppressRebind System.Boolean

True to prevent from binding after the insert operartion completes.




Perform asynchronous update operation, using the DataSource control API and the Rebind method. Please, make sure you have specified the correct DataKeyNames for the . When the asynchronous operation calls back, RadGrid will fire event.


The following online example uses PerformUpdate method: Edit on double-click




Perform asynchronous update operation, using the DataSource control API. Please make sure you have specified the correct DataKeyNames for the GridTableView. When the asynchronous operation calls back, RadGrid will fire event. The boolean property defines if RadGrid will after the update.


editedItem Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditableItem

the item that is in edit mode and should be updated

suppressRebind System.Boolean

set to true to prevent grid from binding after the update operation completes




Applies all view changes to control hierarchy before rendering




Forces the Owner RadGrid to fire event then calls .


The Rebind method should be called every time a change to the RadGrid columns/items has been made.




Checks the value of the BindGridInvisibleColumns key in the configuration and caches it in the RadGrid object




Swaps columns appearance position using the unique names of the two columns.


columnName1 System.String

first column unique name

columnName2 System.String

second column unique name




Swaps columns appearance position using the column instances.


column1 Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumn

The first column.

column2 Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumn

The second column.




Swaps columns appearance position using order indexes of the two columns.


You should have in mind that GridExpandColumn and RowIndicatorColumn are always in front of data columns so that's why you columns will start from index 2.


orderIndex1 System.Int32

first column order index

orderIndex2 System.Int32

second column order index




Validates whether the tree-like multiheader structure is defined correctly


columns Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumn

The grid's column collection

groups System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumnGroup}

The dictionary which contains all column groups



In this article
Inheritance HierarchyPropertiesAdditionalDataFieldNames String[]AllowAutomaticDeletes BooleanAllowAutomaticInserts BooleanAllowAutomaticUpdates BooleanAllowCustomPaging BooleanAllowCustomSorting BooleanAllowFilteringByColumn BooleanAllowMultiColumnSorting BooleanAllowNaturalSort BooleanAllowPaging BooleanAllowSorting BooleanAlternatingItemStyle GridTableItemStyleAutoGenerateColumns BooleanAutoGeneratedColumns GridColumnCollectionCanRetrieveAllData BooleanCaption StringCellPadding Int32CellSpacing Int32CheckListWebServicePath StringChildEditItems GridItemCollectionChildSelectedItems GridItemCollectionClientDataKeyNames String[]ClientID StringColumnGroups GridColumnGroupCollectionColumns GridColumnCollectionCommandItemDisplay GridCommandItemDisplayCommandItemSettings GridCommandItemSettingsCommandItemStyle GridTableItemStyleCommandItemTemplate ITemplateControls ControlCollectionCurrentPageIndex Int32CurrentResetPageIndexAction GridResetPageIndexActionCustomPageSize Int32DataKeyNames String[]DataKeyValues GridDataKeyArrayDataSource ObjectDataSourceCount ObjectDataSourceID ObjectDeleteMethod StringDetailItemTemplate ITemplateDetailTables GridTableViewCollectionDir GridTableTextDirectionEditFormSettings GridEditFormSettingsEditItemStyle GridTableItemStyleEditItemTemplate ITemplateEditMode GridEditModeEnableColumnsViewState BooleanEnableGroupsExpandAll BooleanEnableHeaderContextAggregatesMenu BooleanEnableHeaderContextFilterMenu BooleanEnableHeaderContextMenu BooleanEnableHierarchyExpandAll BooleanEnableLinqGrouping BooleanEnableNoRecordsTemplate BooleanEnableSplitHeaderText BooleanExpandCollapseColumn GridExpandColumnFilterExpression StringFilterItemStyle GridTableItemStyleFooterStyle GridTableItemStyleFrame GridTableFrameGridLines GridLinesGridLines GridLinesGroupByExpressions GridGroupByExpressionCollectionGroupFooterTemplate ITemplateGroupHeaderFooterIndexMap Dictionary`2GroupHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyleGroupHeaderTemplate ITemplateGroupLoadMode GridGroupLoadModeGroupsDefaultExpanded BooleanHasDetailTables GridTableViewCollectionHasMultiHeaders BooleanHeaderStyle GridTableItemStyleHierarchyDefaultExpanded BooleanHierarchyIndex StringHierarchyLoadMode GridChildLoadModeHorizontalAlign HorizontalAlignHorizontalAlign HorizontalAlignID StringInsertItemDisplay GridInsertItemDisplayInsertItemPageIndexAction GridInsertItemPageIndexActionInsertMethod StringIsFilterItemExpanded BooleanIsItemInserted BooleanItems GridDataItemCollectionItemsCreated GridDataItemCollectionItemsHierarchy GridDataItemCollectionItemStyle GridTableItemStyleItemTemplate ITemplateMaxColumnSpan Int32MultiHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyleName StringNestedViewSettings GridNestedViewSettingsNestedViewTemplate ITemplateNoDetailRecordsText StringNoMasterRecordsText StringNoRecordsTemplate ITemplateOverrideDataSourceControlSorting ObjectOwnerGrid RadGridOwnerID StringPageCount Int32PagerStyle GridPagerStylePagerTemplate ITemplatePageSize Int32PagingManager GridPagingManagerParentItem GridDataItemParentTableRelation GridTableViewRelationPersistWhiteSpacesInFilter BooleanRenderActiveItemStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderAlternatingItemStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderColumns GridColumnCollectionRenderCommandItemStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderEditItemStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderFilterItemStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderFooterStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderGroupHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderHeaderStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderItemStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderMultiHeaderItemStyle GridTableItemStyleRenderPagerStyle GridPagerStyleRequiresBinding BooleanResolvedDataSourceView GridEnumerableBaseRetainExpandStateOnRebind BooleanRetrieveAllDataFields BooleanRetrieveDataTypeFromFirstItem BooleanRetrieveNullAsDBNull BooleanRowIndicatorColumn GridRowIndicatorColumnSelectedItemStyle GridTableItemStyleSelectMethod StringSelfHierarchySettings GridSelfHierarchySettingsShowFooter BooleanShowGroupFooter BooleanShowHeader BooleanShowHeadersWhenNoRecords BooleanSortExpressions GridSortExpressionCollectionSortHeaderContextMenuColumns BooleanSummary StringTabIndex Int16TableLayout GridTableLayoutTimeZoneID StringTimeZoneProvider TimeZoneInfoProviderUpdateMethod StringUseAllDataFields BooleanVirtualItemCount Int32Width UnitMethodsBuildMultiHeaderStructureClearEditItemsClearEditItemsAfterPageSizeChangedClearSelectedItemsClearTableViewScriptControlsCreateControlHierarchyCreateTableViewDataBindExportToCSVExportToExcelExportToPdfExportToWordExtractValuesFromItemFindItemByKeyValueFindItemsByKeyValuesGenerateXlsxOutputGenerateXlsxOutputGetBatchColumnEditorGetBatchColumnEditorGetBatchEditorContainerGetBatchEditorContainerGetColumnGetColumnSafeGetEntitySqlFilterExpressionGetHeaderCellByColumnUniqueNameGetInsertItemGetItemsGetPageSizesGetSelectedItemsInsertItemInsertItemInsertItemPerformDeletePerformDeletePerformInsertPerformInsertPerformInsertPerformUpdatePerformUpdatePrepareControlHierarchyRebindSetShouldBindInvisibleColumnsSwapColumnsSwapColumnsSwapColumnsValidateColGroupStructure
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