AdaptiveMovingAverageKaufmanIndicator |
AverageTrueRangeIndicator |
BarIndicatorBase |
Base class for all bar indicators.
BollingerBandsIndicator |
CommodityChannelIndexIndicator |
ExponentialMovingAverageIndicator |
HighLowCloseIndicatorBase |
HighLowClosePeriodIndicatorBase |
HighLowIndicatorBase |
IndicatorBase |
LineIndicatorBase |
MacdIndicator |
ModifiedExponentialMovingAverageIndicator |
ModifiedMovingAverageIndicator |
MomentumIndicator |
MovingAverageIndicator |
OscillatorIndicator |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a line.
RateOfChangeIndicator |
RaviIndicator |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a line shape.
RelativeMomentumIndexIndicator |
RelativeStrengthIndexIndicator |
ShortLongPeriodIndicatorBase |
StochasticFastIndicator |
StochasticIndicatorDataSourceBase |
StochasticSlowIndicator |
Base class for financial indicators that are calculated upon the High, Low and Close values and define a period.
TrixIndicator |
This class represents the TRIX financial indicator.
TrueRangeIndicator |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a line shape.
UltimateOscillatorIndicator |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints, using a line shape.
ValueIndicatorBase |
Represents a base class for financial indicators whose value depends on one input value (Open, High, Low, Close).
ValuePeriodIndicatorBase |
WeightedMovingAverageIndicator |
Visualizes a collection of DataPoints using a line.