Getting Started - Overview
This article is relevant to entity models that utilize the deprecated Visual Studio integration of Telerik Data Access. The current documentation of the Data Access framework is available here.
Telerik Data Access allows developers to seamlessly create database-independent code by simplifying and minimizing time-consuming CRUD operations. The easy-to-use Visual Designer in Visual Studio provides quick and powerful entity to object mapping, as well as full control over the generated model. The tool supports Model First Mapping (Forward Mapping) and Database First Mapping (Reverse Mapping) which cover the most common mapping scenarios, as well as advanced Fluent Mapping API to assist code-first developers in creating and managing their models.
The topics in this section provide basic skills for translating .NET objects into database tables and back again. You will learn how to transform some basic .NET objects into database tables using the Model First feature of Telerik Data Access. You will take a first look at the Database First feature of Telerik Data Access that allows you to create persistent .NET objects using an existing database schema. You will see the round-trip mapping in action. It allows you to make changes in the database schema, and pull these into their domain model, or update their domain model, and push these changes to the database schema. Finally, you will also perform basic (C)reate, (R)ead, (U)pdate and (D)elete operations within the context of the domain model.