Data Access has been discontinued. Please refer to this page for more information.

Decimal Properties

This article is relevant to entity models that utilize the deprecated Visual Studio integration of Telerik Data Access. The current documentation of the Data Access framework is available here.

This topic demonstrates how to describe decimal properties in backend independent manner. The Fluent Mapping API exposes the following methods that allow you to map decimal properties in an abstract way:

  • IsCurrency - specifies that this property is currency. This method will map a decimal property to Money in SQL Server and to NUMBER(19,4) in Oracle and backends that do not support the Money SQL Type.
  • IsNumber - specifies that this property is a number. This method will map a decimal property to a number with custom scale and precision.

The following example demonstrates how to map the string properties of the Product class using the Backend Independent API.

public class FluentModelMetadataSource : FluentMetadataSource
   protected override IList<MappingConfiguration> PrepareMapping()
       List<MappingConfiguration> configurations = new List<MappingConfiguration>();
       MappingConfiguration<Product> productConfiguration = new MappingConfiguration<Product>();
       productConfiguration.MapType().ToTable( "Products" );
       productConfiguration.HasProperty( x => x.ID ).IsIdentity( KeyGenerator.Autoinc );

       productConfiguration.HasProperty( p => p.Price ).IsCurrency().ToColumn( "Price" );
       productConfiguration.HasProperty( p => p.Rating ).IsNumber().ToColumn( "Rating" );

       configurations.Add( productConfiguration );
       return configurations;
Public Class FluentModelMetadataSource
    Inherits FluentMetadataSource
    Protected Overrides Function PrepareMapping() As IList(Of MappingConfiguration)
        Dim configurations As New List(Of MappingConfiguration)()
        Dim productConfiguration As New MappingConfiguration(Of Product)()
        productConfiguration.HasProperty(Function(x) x.ID).IsIdentity(KeyGenerator.Autoinc)

        productConfiguration.HasProperty(Function(p) p.Price).IsCurrency().ToColumn("Price")
        productConfiguration.HasProperty(Function(p) p.Rating).IsNumber().ToColumn("Rating")

        productConfiguration.FieldNamingRules.AddPrefix = "_"
        Return configurations
    End Function
End Class

The result database table will have the following structure. Note that the Price property is mapped to a column of type money and the Rating property is mapped to a numeric column with custom scale and precision.

Product Class

public class Product
   public int ID

   public decimal Price

   public decimal Rating
Public Class Product
    Private _iD As Integer
    Public Property ID() As Integer
            Return _iD
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            _iD = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private _price As Decimal
    Public Property Price() As Decimal
            Return _price
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
            _price = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private _rating As Decimal
    Public Property Rating() As Decimal
            Return _rating
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
            _rating = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class