Adding a DropDownList in a Spreadsheet Cell
Product | Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Spreadsheet |
Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC version | Created with the 2024.2.514 version |
How can I create a dropdown cell (of type list) in the Spreadsheet component that loads the options from the server?
Bind the Spreadsheet to a DataSource that requests the data from a remote endpoint, as demonstrated in the DataSource Binding online demo.
@(Html.Kendo().Spreadsheet() .Name("spreadsheet") ... // Other configuration. .Sheets(sheets => { sheets.Add() .Name("Sheet1") .DataSource<SpreadsheetProductViewModel>(ds => ds .Custom() .Batch(true) .Transport(t => t.Read("onRead")) .Schema(s => s .Model(m => { m.Id(p => p.CustomerID); }) ) ) .Columns(columns => // Configure the header (i.e., 3 columns). The rest of the columns and rows will be loaded based on the data collection retrieved from the server. { columns.Add(); columns.Add(); columns.Add(); }) .Rows(rows => { rows.Add().Cells(cells => { cells.Add().Background("#fef0cd").TextAlign(SpreadsheetTextAlign.Center); cells.Add().Background("#fef0cd").TextAlign(SpreadsheetTextAlign.Center); cells.Add().Background("#fef0cd").TextAlign(SpreadsheetTextAlign.Center); }); }); }) ) <script> function onRead(options) { // Trigger an AJAX request to request the data. $.ajax({ url: '@Url.Action("ReadData", "Home")', dataType: "json", success: function (result) { options.success(result.Data); }, error: function (result) { options.error(result); } }); } </script>
public JsonResult ReadData([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { var spreadsheetData = new List<SpreadsheetProductViewModel>(); // Populate the collection with the data that must be loaded into the Spreadsheet component. return Json(spreadsheetData.ToDataSourceResult(request)); }
public class SpreadsheetProductViewModel { public string CustomerID { get; set; } public string CustomerName { get; set; } public string CustomerBranchName { get; set; } public List<string> Branches { get; set; } }
Configure the dropdown dynamically for each CustomerBranchName cell by handling the
event of the DataSource.-
Within the
event handler, loop through the data items that will be loaded in the Spreadsheet, access the respective Branches collection for each record, and set up the cell's custom editor at runtime.@(Html.Kendo().Spreadsheet() .Name("spreadsheet") .Sheets(sheets => { sheets.Add() .Name("Sheet1") .DataSource<SpreadsheetProductViewModel>(ds => ds .Custom() .Events(ev => ev.RequestEnd("onRequestEnd")) ... // Other configuration. ) ... // Other configuration. }) ) <script> function onRequestEnd(e) { if (e.type === "read") { var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet"); // Get a reference to the Spreadsheet. var sheet = spreadsheet.activeSheet(); // Select the current sheet. var data = e.response; // Get the data from the server response. for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { // Loop through the data items. var index = i + 2; var range = sheet.range("C" + index); // Use the range() method to select column "C". var branchData = data[i].Branches.join(","); // Parse the "Branches" values to a comma-separated string. range.validation({ // Configure the dropdown for each cell in column C. from: ` "${branchData}" `, showButton: true, comparerType: "list", dataType: "list", allowNulls: true, type: "reject" }); } } } </script>