Highlight the hovered row in Gantt
Product Version | 2023.2.829 |
Product | Gantt for Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET MVC |
How can I change the color of the hovered row in the Telerik UI for UI for ASP.NET MVC Gantt ?
The example below relies on the following key steps:
- Handle the "mouseenter" Event of a cell in the Grid.
- Remove previously assigned "custom" class.
- Get the index of the hovered row.
- Add the "custom" class to the current target.
- Add the "custom" class to the corresponding row(using the index from step 3) in the right calendar part of the Gantt.
- Add color to the "custom" class.
Here is an example of the code:
@using Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.Gantt; @(Html.Kendo().Gantt<TaskViewModel, DependencyViewModel>() .Name("gantt") .Columns(columns => { columns.Bound(c => c.TaskID).Title("ID").Width(50); columns.Bound(c => c.Title).Editable(true).Sortable(true); columns.Group(g => { g.Bound(c => c.Start).Width(100).Editable(true).Sortable(true); g.Bound(c => c.End).Width(100).Editable(true).Sortable(true); }).Title("Timings"); }) .Views(views => { views.DayView(); views.WeekView(weekView => weekView.Selected(true)); views.MonthView(); }) .Height(700) .ShowWorkHours(false) .ShowWorkDays(false) .Snap(false) .DataSource(d => d .Model(m => { m.Id(f => f.TaskID); m.ParentId(f => f.ParentID); m.Field(f => f.Expanded).DefaultValue(true); }) .Read("Basic_Usage_ReadTasks", "Gantt") .Destroy("Basic_Usage_DestroyTask", "Gantt") .Update(update => update.Action("Basic_Usage_UpdateTask", "Gantt").Data("onUpdateCreate")) .Create(create => create.Action("Basic_Usage_CreateTask", "Gantt").Data("onUpdateCreate")) ) .DependenciesDataSource(d => d .Model(m => { m.Id(f => f.DependencyID); m.PredecessorId(f => f.PredecessorID); m.SuccessorId(f => f.SuccessorID); }) .Read("Basic_Usage_ReadDependencies", "Gantt") .Create("Basic_Usage_CreateDependency", "Gantt") .Destroy("Basic_Usage_DestroyDependency", "Gantt") ) )
$(document).ready(function(){ var gantt = $("#gantt").data("kendoGantt"); gantt.wrapper.on("mouseenter", "[role='gridcell']", function(e) { $('.custom').removeClass('custom') var index = $(e.target).parent().index(); $($(e.target)[0].parentElement).addClass('custom'); $('.k-gantt-tasks tr').eq(index).addClass('custom'); }) })
<style> .custom{ background-color: yellow !important } </style>
For a runnable example based on the code above, refer to the: