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Highlight Ongoing Events

To enable the functionality to highlight ongoing events use the OngoingEvents configuration option.


Highlight with No Timezone

The ongoing events highlight functionality depends on the timezone configuration of the Scheduler component. If no timezone is configured, the component will use the local (machine/client) timezone to render its data.

For example, consider an event that starts at 10:00 UTC and ends at 11:00 UTC. If the user is in Europe/Sofia in summer time, the user's local timezone is UTC +3. Thus the event is rendered from 13:00 to 14:00 in the Scheduler component. The event is highlighted as an ongoing event if the current time on the client is between 13:00 and 14:00 (Europe/Sofia, UTC +3).

Highlight with Timezone

If a timezone is specified, the Scheduler component takes the timezone configuration into account and will adjust the ongoing events highlight accordingly.

Consider an event that starts at 10:00 UTC and ends at 11:00 UTC. The Scheduler component has its timezone configuration set to UTC/Etc and the user is located in Europe/Sofia in summer time UTC +3. The Scheduler component will render the event from 10:00 to 11:00 (taking into account the timezone set on the component). The event will be highlighted if the current time on the client is from 10:00 to 11:00 (Europe/Sofia, UTC +3). By default, the functionality will use the local (machine/client) timezone to determine which event is highlighted.

The behavior can be configured via the OngoingEvents.UseLocalTimezone configuration option. Setting it to false the event will be highlighted if the current time on the client is from 13:00 to 14:00 (Europe/Sofia, UTC +3).


Relation to the CurrentTimeMarker

The CurrentTimeMarker configuration of the Scheduler also exposes a UseLocalTimezone configuration option. To keep the functionality of highlighting ongoing events and the current time marker in sync, always set their UseLocalTimezone options to the same value. By default, the UseLocalTimezone configuration is enabled for both configuration options. If disabling this is desired do so for both configuration options. Otherwise the Scheduler may highlight events that do not coincide with the CurrentTimeMarker line.

See Also