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To distinguish the items within the template when the user interacts with the Drawer, add the data-role="drawer-item" attribute to each item HTML template.

To add a separator between the Drawer items, use the data-role="drawer-separator" attribute.

The Drawer provides the following configurable templates:

  • The main Template() method.
  • The Mini(m=>m.Template("<div>Mini Template</div>")) template.

You can add icons with a span with the k-icon class combined with the desired Kendo UI for jQuery web font icon class. To ensure that the icons and text have a sufficient padding, wrap the item template text in a span with class k-item-text.

    <li data-role='drawer-item'>
      <span class='k-icon k-i-eye'></span>
      <span class='k-item-text'>See More</span>

See Also

In this article
See Also
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