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No Records Template

The Grid can show a built-in or custom message to the user when there are no records to display. There are several ways to configure it.

The following example demonstrates how to enable the default built-in No Records message.


The following example demonstrates how to define a custom No Records message. In this case, the custom message is displayed with no centering styles applied, which allows an easier and more advanced appearance customization through custom CSS code.

        .NoRecords(n => n.Template("string HTML template, not centered"))

The following example demonstrates how to define a custom No Records message with an external Kendo UI template. This case is the same as the above one, but the template is defined outside the Grid declaration.

    <script id="no-records-template-id" type="text/x-kendo-template">
        external HTML template, not centered

        .NoRecords(n => n.TemplateId("no-records-template-id"))

Another option is to use the TemplateHandler() option that returns the desired No Records message through a JavaScript function. For example, you can specify diffeent messages based on a condition.

        .NoRecords(n => n.TemplateHandler("noRecordsMsg"))
    function noRecordsMsg() {
        if(new Date() > new Date(2024,4,28)) { // Specify the required condition.
            return "No new records.";
        } else return "No items found.";

See Also

In this article