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Data Binding Overview

Depending on the configuration of its DataSource, the UI for ASP.NET MVC Grid provides different types of data binding.

The Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Grid enables you to populate it with data by using server and Ajax data binding.

  • The server binding binds the Grid to a supplied model and the Grid makes HTTP and GET requests when binding.
  • The Ajax binding makes Ajax requests to get the data for the Grid.

The following table lists the basic feature differences between the server and Ajax binding.

FeatureServer BindingAjax Binding
TemplatesIn the server-bound mode, the Grid templates use server-side expressions and .NET code—C# or Visual Basic. Templates are executed server-side.In the Ajax-bound mode, the Grid uses Kendo UI templates. Templates are executed on the client and use JavaScript.
Full-Page UpdatesThe Grid makes HTTP GET requests to ASP.NET MVC action methods which cause a full-page refresh.The Grid makes Ajax requests which cause partial page update. The Grid retrieves only the data needed for the current page.

Loading Overlay Types

The Telerik UI Grid for ASP.NET MVC exposes two types of loading indicators:

  • The GridLoaderType.LoadingPanel adds an overlay element with a loading spinner over the main content of the Grid. This is the default type.

  • The GridLoaderType.Skeleton uses the SkeletonContainer widget to show a simplified preview of each of the grid's cells. The Skeleton loading type aims at helping the user gain an idea of what the content would look like when the loading completes. It also makes the page load time appear shorter.

Check the Skeleton loading type in action in the live demo below:

KB Articles on Grid Data Binding

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