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Operating System, Visual Studio, and Browser Support

The Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC components are designed to support all major operating systems and the most popular Visual Studio versions. The components also support all major web browsers and deliver cross-browser compatibility, standards compliance, and touch-device support.

Operating System Support

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC supports the following operating systems:

WindowsThe two latest versions at the time of the release.
Mac OSThe two latest versions at the time of the release.
AndroidThe two latest versions at the time of the release.
iOSThe two latest versions at the time of the release.
  • Telerik UI supports hybrid mouse and touch-screen devices.
  • To allow any browser to run scripts, enable JavaScript in the browser.

Visual Studio Support

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC supports Visual Studio 2019 and later. The supported development environments also include:

As of the R3 2022 release, MVC 3 and MVC 4 are no longer supported by Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC. The R1 2024 release will be the last release that supports .NET Framework versions older than 4.6.2 (4.5-4.6.1). One year of outstanding support service will be provided for the R1 2024 release. For more details on the reasons for dropping the support of the old .NET Framework versions, see this blog post.

The table below displays the version of System.Web.Mvc matching the beginning of the corresponding Telerik Product version.

MVC VersionProduct Version
5.2.42018.2.516 (2018 R2)
5.2.72019.1.220 (2019 R1 SP1)
5.2.92022.3.913 (2022 R3)
5.3.02024.1.130 (2024 Q1)

Web Browsers Support

The Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC helpers and framework components deliver support for all popular browsers. However, depending on the specifics of your project, the components you use, and the versions of the helpers, their browser support may vary. For example, advanced component features usually require more recent browser versions.

To allow the browsers to run the scripts required by the Telerik components, enable JavaScript on all of them. Following Microsoft's announcement about Internet Explorer (IE) being officially retired and out of support, the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC and Kendo UI products will no longer support IE as of their R1 2023 release. The components will not be tested against and no fixes will be implemented for any IE version. If your project requires you to use the UI components in IE, it is recommended that you download a product version that is prior to Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R1 2023.

Regular Support

Most Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC helpers have no specific limitations for the browser versions they support.

EdgeThe two latest versions at the time of the release.
ChromeThe two latest versions at the time of the release.
FirefoxThe two latest versions at the time of the release. This includes Firefox ESR releases (What is ESR?).
OperaThe two latest versions at the time of the release.
Safari (OS X)The two latest versions at the time of the release.

Support for PDF Export

The Telerik PDF generator is tested and supported in the following desktop browsers:

  • Latest Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari.

Internet Explorer 9 and Safari do not support the PDF-related option for saving files. To achieve this, you need to implement a server proxy.

Officially, PDF export is not supported on mobile because of browser limitations and CORS-related security restrictions in hybrid applications. For example, it is not possible to load locally stored font files in hybrid applications. Even though exporting in PDF might work on some mobile devices in specific scenarios, PDF export is not supported in mobile browsers and hybrid mobile applications.

Best Performance

To boost the performance of your project:

  • Always use an up-to-date browser version.
  • Check Disable Script Debugging from your browser configuration options.


  • As of the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R1 2023 release, the support for all versions of Internet Explorer is discontinued.

  • Browsers in beta stage are not supported.

  • Zoomed-in pages are not supported.

  • Zoomed-out pages are not supported. Different browsers handle sub-pixel calculations differently and zooming out the page may lead to unexpected behavior—for example, missing borders.

  • Exporting a zoomed-in or zoomed-out page to PDF is not supported.

  • Quirks mode is not supported.

    Always specify a DOCTYPE. Recommended DOCTYPEs include HTML5, XHTML 1.1, XHTML 1.0 Strict and HTML4 Strict. The HTML4 Transitional DOCTYPE fires the Quirks mode and should not be used. XHTML 1.0 Transitional works well in most cases, but may cause issues with the vertical positioning of icons. The correct syntax for all DOCTYPEs is provided on the W3C website.

  • In product versions before R1 2023, Internet Explorer compatibility modes are not supported. These modes can exhibit different behavior and rendering bugs as compared to the browser versions they emulate.

  • It is highly advisable to use Internet Explorer Edge mode over a META tag or an HTTP header:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  • Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC uses a progressive enhancement for its CSS styling. As a result, old and obsolete browsers may ignore CSS 3 styles such as rounded corners and linear gradients.

See Also