

    <messages />


Tag Name Details
messages SwitchMessagesSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
as-child-component Boolean
checked Boolean The checked state of the Switch.
enabled Boolean If set to false, the Switch will be disabled and will not allow the user to change its checked state.
for ModelExpression An expression to be evaluated against the current model.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
as-module Boolean
has-client-component Boolean
on-change String Fires when the checked state of the Switch is changed through user interaction.
readonly Boolean If set to true, the Switch will render into its read-only state.
sanitize-id Boolean
script-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
size ComponentSize Sets the size of the component.
thumb-rounded Rounded Sets a value controlling the thumb's border radius.
track-rounded Rounded Sets a value controlling the track's border radius.
width Double The width of the Switch.
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