

    <messages />


Tag Name Details
messages PagerMessagesSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
aria-template String Specifies a template used to populate the value of the aria-label attribute of the pager element.The parameters available for the template are: page - The current page. or totalPages - The total number of pages..
aria-template-handler String Specifies a template used to populate the value of the aria-label attribute of the pager element.The parameters available for the template are: page - The current page. or totalPages - The total number of pages..
aria-template-id String Specifies a template used to populate the value of the aria-label attribute of the pager element.The parameters available for the template are: page - The current page. or totalPages - The total number of pages..
aria-template-view IHtmlContent Specifies a template used to populate the value of the aria-label attribute of the pager element.The parameters available for the template are: page - The current page. or totalPages - The total number of pages..
as-child-component Boolean
auto-bind Boolean Indicates whether the pager refresh method will be called within its initialization.
button-count Double Defines the number of buttons displayed in the numeric pager.
datasource-id String The Id of the data source.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
as-module Boolean
has-client-component Boolean
info Boolean Defines if a label showing current paging information will be displayed.
input Boolean Defines if an input element which allows the user to navigate to given page will be displayed.
link-template String The template for page number links.
link-template-handler String The template for page number links.
link-template-id String The template for page number links.
link-template-view IHtmlContent The template for page number links.
navigatable Boolean If set to true the user could navigate the widget using the keyboard navigation. By default keyboard navigation is disabled.
numeric Boolean Defines if numeric portion of the pager will be shown.
on-change String Fires when the current page has changed.
page-sizes Boolean If set to true the pager will display a drop-down which allows the user to pick a page size. By default the page size drop-down is not displayed.Can be set to an array of predefined page sizes to override the default list. A special all value is supported. It sets the page size to the total number of records.If a pageSize setting is provided for the data source then this value will be selected initially.
previous-next Boolean Defines if buttons for navigating to the first, last, previous and next pages will be shown.
refresh Boolean Defines if a refresh button will be displayed. Click on that button will call DataSource read() method to get actual data.
responsive Boolean Defines if the pager will be responsive.
sanitize-id Boolean
script-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
select-template String The template for selected page number link.
select-template-handler String The template for selected page number link.
select-template-id String The template for selected page number link.
select-template-view IHtmlContent The template for selected page number link.
size ComponentSize Sets the size of the component.
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