DataSource - DataSource
The number of available pages.
Columns - List
DataSourceId - String
Selectable - TreeListSelectableSettings
Search - TreeListSearchSettings
The fields by which the grid will search
ToolbarTemplate - String
ToolbarTemplateId - String
ToolbarTemplateHandler - String
AltRowTemplate - String
AltRowTemplateId - String
AltRowTemplateHandler - String
AutoBind - Nullable
Resizable - Nullable
Reorderable - Nullable
ColumnMenu - TreeListColumnMenuSettings
If set to true, the column menu allows the user to select (show and hide) TreeList columns. By default, the column menu allows column selection.
Editable - TreeListEditableSettings
Enables the drag-and-drop UI of rows between parents.
Excel - TreeListExcelSettings
If set to true the TreeList will export all pages of data. By default the TreeList exports only the current page.
Filterable - TreeListFilterableSettings
If set to true, the filter menu will allow the user to input a second criteria.
Height - Nullable
Messages - TreeListMessagesSettings
Defines the text for the command buttons that are used across the widget.
Navigatable - Nullable
Pageable - TreeListPageableSettings
(Available as of the Kendo UI 2017 R3 release) By default, the TreeList will render a pager even when total number of items in the DataSource is less than the pageSize value.If set to false the TreeList will toggle the pager visibility as follows: When the total amount of items initially set in the DataSource is less than the pageSize number, the pager will be hidden.; When the total amount of items initially set in the DataSource is greater than or equal to the pageSize number, the pager will be shown.; When the total amount of items in the DataSource becomes less than the pageSize number (after a delete or filter operation, or upon changing the pageSize), the pager will be hidden. or When the total amount of items in the DataSource becomes greater than or equal to the pageSize number (after an insert or filter operation, or upon changing the pageSize), the pager will be shown..
Pdf - TreeListPdfSettings
Exports all TreeList pages, starting from the first one.
RowTemplate - String
RowTemplateId - String
RowTemplateHandler - String
Scrollable - Nullable
Sortable - TreeListSortableSettings
If set to true, the user can get the TreeList in its unsorted state by clicking the sorted column header.
Toolbar - List
Initializer - IJavaScriptInitializer
Events - IDictionary
Name - String
Id - String
ShouldSanitezeId - Boolean
ModelMetadata - ModelMetadata
HtmlAttributes - IDictionary
ViewContext - ViewContext
ViewData - ViewDataDictionary
IsSelfInitialized - Boolean
IsInClientTemplate - Boolean
HasDeferredInitialization - Boolean
Selector - String
HasClientComponent - Boolean
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
Renders the component.
includeScript - System.Boolean
Writes the deferred styes.
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
The writer.