SeriesData - IEnumerable
Type - Nullable
PointWidth - Nullable
Data - IEnumerable
UrlGenerator - IUrlGenerator
ChartArea - ChartArea
Gets or sets the Chart area background.
PlotArea - PlotArea
Gets or sets the plot area background.
PersistSeriesVisibility - Nullable
Theme - String
RenderAs - Nullable
Title - ChartTitle
The accessible description of the Chart. The description is announced by screen readers when the Chart is focused.
Subtitle - ChartTitle
The accessible description of the Chart. The description is announced by screen readers when the Chart is focused.
Legend - ChartLegend
Gets or sets the legend font.
Transitions - Boolean
Series - IList
Panes - IList
SeriesDefaults - ChartSeriesDefaults
The default settings for all bar series.
CategoryAxes - IList
ValueAxes - IList
XAxes - IList
YAxes - IList
AxisDefaults - IChartAxisDefaults
DataSource - DataSource
The number of available pages.
DataSourceId - String
AutoBind - Nullable
SeriesColors - IEnumerable
Tooltip - ChartTooltip
Specifies if the Chart should display a single tooltip for each category.
Pdf - PDFSettings
Specifies if all pages must be exported.
Pannable - ChartPannable
Specifies which axes should not be panned.
Zoomable - ChartZoomable
Selection zoom settings.
PaneDefaults - ChartPaneDefaults
The background color of all chart panes. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
Messages - ChartMessagesSettings
Defines the text of the "no data" message that is rendered when no series are defined or all series are empty.
NoData - ChartNoDataSettings
The template which is rendered when no series are defined, or all series are empty.The message overlays the entire Chart with the exception of the Title and Subtitle.
Initializer - IJavaScriptInitializer
Events - IDictionary
Name - String
Id - String
ShouldSanitezeId - Boolean
ModelMetadata - ModelMetadata
HtmlAttributes - IDictionary
ScriptAttributes - IDictionary
ViewContext - ViewContext
ViewData - ViewDataDictionary
IsSelfInitialized - Boolean
IsInClientTemplate - Boolean
HasDeferredInitialization - Boolean
Selector - String
HasClientComponent - Boolean
Writes the Chart initialization script.
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
The text writer instance.
Renders the component.
includeScript - System.Boolean
Writes the deferred styes.
writer - System.IO.TextWriter
The writer.