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Data - IEnumerable

Member - String

CategoryMember - String

ColorMember - String

NoteTextMember - String

Category - Func

Name - String

Opacity - Nullable

Color - String

ColorHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor

A Razor template delegate.

AggregateHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor

A Razor template delegate.

Tooltip - ChartTooltip

Specifies if the Chart should display a single tooltip for each category.

Axis - String

CategoryAxis - String

Highlight - ChartSeriesHighlight

Gets or sets the highlight opacity

Visible - Nullable

VisibleInLegend - Nullable

Notes - ChartNote

Gets or sets the icon.

ZIndex - Nullable

Median - ChartSeriesMedian

The color of the median visual. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

Mean - ChartSeriesMean

The color of the mean visual. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

Whiskers - ChartSeriesWhiskersSettings

The color of the whiskers.

DrilldownField - String

DrilldownSeriesFactory - ClientHandlerDescriptor

A Razor template delegate.

LegendItem - ChartSeriesLegendItemSettings

Sets the configuration of the legend items of type area. By default, all series except line and scatter use this legend type.



Creates a new IChartSerializer.


The IChartSerializer instance.

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