Mirror - Nullable
Position - Nullable
Step - Nullable
Skip - Nullable
DateFormats - ChartAxisLabelsDateFormats
Date format to use when the base date unit is .
Culture - CultureInfo
RotationOptions - ChartAxisLabelsRotation
Gets or sets the rotation angle.
AriaTemplate - String
AriaTemplateId - String
AriaTemplateHandler - String
Font - String
Visible - Nullable
VisibleHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
Background - String
Border - ChartElementBorder
Gets or sets the opacity of the border.
Margin - ChartSpacing
Gets or sets the top spacing.
Padding - ChartSpacing
Gets or sets the top spacing.
Color - String
ColorHandler - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
Format - String
Template - String
TemplateHandler - String
Opacity - Nullable
Rotation - Nullable
Visual - ClientHandlerDescriptor
A Razor template delegate.
Creates a new ChartAxisLabelsSerializer.
The ChartAxisLabelsSerializer instance.