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Specifies if the tooltip will be hidden when the mouse leaves the target element. If set to false, a Close button will be shown within tooltip.


value - System.Boolean

The value for AutoHide


The background color of the tooltip. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.


value - System.String

The value for Background


The border configuration options.


configurator - System.Action<ChartTooltipBorderSettingsBuilder>

The configurator for the border setting.


The text color of the tooltip. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.


value - System.String

The value for Color


The tooltip font.


value - System.String

The value for Font


The format of the labels. Uses kendo.format.Format placeholders: Area, bar, column, funnel, pyramid, line and pie{0} - value; Bubble{0} - x value{1} - y value{2} - size value{3} - category name; Bullet{0} - value{1} - target value; Scatter and scatterLine{0} - x value{1} - y value; Candlestick and OHLC{0} - open value{1} - high value{2} - low value{3} - close value{4} - category name or RangeArea, rangeBar, rangeColumn{0} - from value{1} - to value.


value - System.String

The value for Format


The opacity of the tooltip.


value - System.Double

The value for Opacity


The padding of the tooltip. A numeric value will set all paddings.


configurator - System.Action<ChartTooltipPaddingSettingsBuilder>

The configurator for the padding setting.


If set to true the chart will display a single tooltip for every category.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Shared


If set to true the chart will display a single tooltip for every category.


The template which renders the shared tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: points - the category points or category - the category name.


value - System.String

The value for SharedTemplate


The template which renders the shared tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: points - the category points or category - the category name.


templateId - System.String

The ID of the template element for SharedTemplate


The template which renders the shared tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: points - the category points or category - the category name.


templateView - Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.IHtmlContent

The view that contains the template for SharedTemplate


The template which renders the shared tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: points - the category points or category - the category name.


templateHandler - System.String

The handler that returs the template for SharedTemplate


The template which renders the shared tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: points - the category points or category - the category name.


template - TemplateBuilder<TModel>

A Template component that configures the sharedtemplate.


The template which renders the tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; series - the data series; value - the point value (either a number or an object); runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. Available for waterfall series. or total - the sum of all previous series values. Available for waterfall series..


value - System.String

The value for Template


The template which renders the tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; series - the data series; value - the point value (either a number or an object); runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. Available for waterfall series. or total - the sum of all previous series values. Available for waterfall series..


templateId - System.String

The ID of the template element for Template


The template which renders the tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; series - the data series; value - the point value (either a number or an object); runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. Available for waterfall series. or total - the sum of all previous series values. Available for waterfall series..


templateView - Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.IHtmlContent

The view that contains the template for Template


The template which renders the tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; series - the data series; value - the point value (either a number or an object); runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. Available for waterfall series. or total - the sum of all previous series values. Available for waterfall series..


templateHandler - System.String

The handler that returs the template for Template


The template which renders the tooltip.The fields which can be used in the template are: category - the category name; dataItem - the original data item used to construct the point. Will be null if binding to array.; series - the data series; value - the point value (either a number or an object); runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. Available for waterfall series. or total - the sum of all previous series values. Available for waterfall series..


template - TemplateBuilder<TModel>

A Template component that configures the template.


If set to true the chart will display the series tooltip. By default the series tooltip is not displayed.


value - System.Boolean

The value for Visible


If set to true the chart will display the series tooltip. By default the series tooltip is not displayed.

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