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The error bars value.The following value types are supported: "stderr" - the standard error of the series values will be used to calculate the point low and high value; "stddev(n)" - the standard deviation of the series values will be used to calculate the point low and high value. A number can be specified between the parentheses, that will be multiplied by the calculated standard deviation.; "percentage(n)" - a percentage of the point value; A number that will be subtracted/added to the point value; An array that holds the low and high difference from the point value or A function that returns the errorBars point value.


value - System.String

The value for Value


The error bars value.The following value types are supported: "stderr" - the standard error of the series values will be used to calculate the point low and high value; "stddev(n)" - the standard deviation of the series values will be used to calculate the point low and high value. A number can be specified between the parentheses, that will be multiplied by the calculated standard deviation.; "percentage(n)" - a percentage of the point value; A number that will be subtracted/added to the point value; An array that holds the low and high difference from the point value or A function that returns the errorBars point value.


handler - System.String

The name of the JavaScript function that will be evaluated.


The error bars value.The following value types are supported: "stderr" - the standard error of the series values will be used to calculate the point low and high value; "stddev(n)" - the standard deviation of the series values will be used to calculate the point low and high value. A number can be specified between the parentheses, that will be multiplied by the calculated standard deviation.; "percentage(n)" - a percentage of the point value; A number that will be subtracted/added to the point value; An array that holds the low and high difference from the point value or A function that returns the errorBars point value.


handler - System.Func<Object,Object>

The handler code wrapped in a text tag.


A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the error bars. The available argument fields are: rect - the kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual should be rendered.; options - the error bar options.; createVisual - a function that can be used to get the default visual.; low - the error bar low value.; high - the error bar high value. or sender - the chart instance..


handler - System.String

The name of the JavaScript function that will be evaluated.


A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the error bars. The available argument fields are: rect - the kendo.geometry.Rect that defines where the visual should be rendered.; options - the error bar options.; createVisual - a function that can be used to get the default visual.; low - the error bar low value.; high - the error bar high value. or sender - the chart instance..


handler - System.Func<Object,Object>

The handler code wrapped in a text tag.


The xAxis error bars value. See the series.errorBars.value option for a list of the supported value types.


value - System.String

The value for XValue


The xAxis error bars value. See the series.errorBars.value option for a list of the supported value types.


handler - System.String

The name of the JavaScript function that will be evaluated.


The xAxis error bars value. See the series.errorBars.value option for a list of the supported value types.


handler - System.Func<Object,Object>

The handler code wrapped in a text tag.


The yAxis error bars value. See the series.errorBars.value option for a list of the supported value types.


value - System.String

The value for YValue


The yAxis error bars value. See the series.errorBars.value option for a list of the supported value types.


handler - System.String

The name of the JavaScript function that will be evaluated.


The yAxis error bars value. See the series.errorBars.value option for a list of the supported value types.


handler - System.Func<Object,Object>

The handler code wrapped in a text tag.


If set to false, the error bars caps will not be displayed. By default the caps are visible.


value - System.Boolean

The value for EndCaps


The color of the error bars. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.


value - System.String

The value for Color


The error bars line options.


configurator - System.Action<ChartSeriesErrorBarsLineSettingsBuilder>

The configurator for the line setting.

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