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Attribute Type Description
cancel String Sets the text of the Cancel button.
clear-selected-files String Sets the text of the Clear button.
drop-files-here String Sets the hint of the drop-zone.
header-status-paused String Sets the paused status message of the header.
header-status-uploaded String Sets the status message of the header for the uploaded files.
header-status-uploading String Sets the status message of the header for the files that are in the process of upload.
invalid-file-extension String Sets the text of the validation message for an invalid file extension.
invalid-files String Sets the text of the validation messages for invalid files when the batch property is set to true and two or more files fail the validation.
invalid-max-file-size String Sets the text of the validation message for an invalid maximum file size.
invalid-min-file-size String Sets the text of the validation message for an invalid minimum file size.
remove String Sets the text of the Remove button.
retry String Sets the text of the Retry button.
select String Sets the text of the Select... button.
status-failed String Sets the status message for failed uploads.
status-uploaded String Sets the status message for successful uploads.
status-uploading String Sets the status message for files that are in the process of upload.
upload-fail String Sets the text of the validation message when a file fails to upload.
upload-selected-files String Sets the text of the Upload files button.
upload-success String Sets the text of the validation message when a file is succesfully uploaded.
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