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    <border-bottom />
    <border-left />
    <border-right />
    <border-top />
    <validation />


Tag Name Details
border-bottom SpreadsheetSheetRowCellBorderBottomSettingsTagHelper
border-left SpreadsheetSheetRowCellBorderLeftSettingsTagHelper
border-right SpreadsheetSheetRowCellBorderRightSettingsTagHelper
border-top SpreadsheetSheetRowCellBorderTopSettingsTagHelper
validation SpreadsheetSheetRowCellValidationSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
background String The background color of the cell. Many standard CSS formats are supported. However, the canonical form is #ccff00.
bold Boolean If set to true, sets the cell font to bold.
color String The font color of the cell. Many standard CSS formats are supported. However, the canonical form is #ccff00.
comment String The comment of the cell - a tooltip that appears when the cell is hovered.
enable Boolean If set to false, disables the cell.
font-family String The font family of the cell.
font-size Double The font size of the cell in pixels.
format String The format of the cell text. For more information, refer to the article on creating or deleting a custom number format on MS Office.
formula String The cell formula without the leading equals sign, for example, A1 * 10.
html Boolean If set to true, renders the cell value as HTML. It is important to sanitize the value of the cell on the server for passing safe html because there is no client-side sanitizing. When editing a cell the new value can be checked and prevented in the client changing event.
index Double The zero-based index of the cell. Required to ensure correct positioning.
italic Boolean If set to true, sets the cell font to italic.
link String The hyperlink (URL) of the cell.
text-align SpreadsheetTextAlign Specifies the text alignment in the cell
underline Boolean If set to true, sets the cell font to underline.
value String The cell value.
vertical-align SpreadsheetVerticalAlign Specifies the text vertical alignment in the cell
wrap Boolean If set to true, wraps the cell content.
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