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    <daily />
    <end />
    <frequencies />
    <monthly />
    <offset-positions />
    <weekdays />
    <weekly />
    <yearly />


Tag Name Details
daily SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorDailySettingsTagHelper
end SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorEndSettingsTagHelper
frequencies SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorFrequenciesSettingsTagHelper
monthly SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorMonthlySettingsTagHelper
offset-positions SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorOffsetPositionsSettingsTagHelper
weekdays SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorWeekdaysSettingsTagHelper
weekly SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorWeeklySettingsTagHelper
yearly SchedulerMessagesRecurrenceEditorYearlySettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
cancel String Applicable in Scheduler Adaptive rendering scenario. The text for the cancel button on the scheduler recurrence editor header.
end-title String Applicable in Scheduler Adaptive rendering scenario. The text for the endTitle (end repeat on) on the scheduler recurrence editor.
header-title String Applicable in Scheduler Adaptive rendering scenario. The text for the headerTitle (text in the header) on the scheduler recurrence editor.
recurrence-editor-title String The text of the Recurence editor dropdown title.
repeat-title String Applicable in Scheduler Adaptive rendering scenario. The text for the repeatTitle (repeat on) on the scheduler recurrence editor.
update String Applicable in Scheduler Adaptive rendering scenario. The text for the update button on the scheduler recurrence editor header.
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