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    <grid />


Tag Name Details
autocomplete-editor AutoCompleteTagHelper
captcha-editor CaptchaTagHelper
checkboxgroup-editor CheckBoxGroupTagHelper
colorgradient-editor ColorGradientTagHelper
colorpalette-editor ColorPaletteTagHelper
colorpicker-editor ColorPickerTagHelper
combobox-editor ComboBoxTagHelper
dateinput-editor DateInputTagHelper
datepicker-editor DatePickerTagHelper
datetimepicker-editor DateTimePickerTagHelper
dropdownlist-editor DropDownListTagHelper
dropdowntree-editor DropDownTreeTagHelper
flatcolorpicker-editor FlatColorPickerTagHelper
maskedtextbox-editor MaskedTextBoxTagHelper
multicolumncombobox-editor MultiColumnComboBoxTagHelper
multiselect-editor MultiSelectTagHelper
numerictextbox-editor NumericTextBoxTagHelper
property-grid-items PropertyGridItemNestedItemsTagHelper
radiogroup-editor RadioGroupTagHelper
rating-editor RatingTagHelper
signature-editor SignatureTagHelper
slider-editor SliderTagHelper
switch-editor SwitchTagHelper
textarea-editor TextAreaTagHelper
textbox-editor TextBoxTagHelper
timedurationpicker-editor TimeDurationPickerTagHelper
timepicker-editor TimePickerTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
description String Sets the description for the property.
editable Boolean The JavaScript function that is executed when the value cell is about to be opened for editing. The returned result will determine whether an editor will be created.
editable-handler String The JavaScript function that is executed when the value cell is about to be opened for editing. The returned result will determine whether an editor will be created.
editor String Provides a way to specify a custom editing UI for the value of the property. To create the editing UI, use the container parameter.When used as String, defines the editor component type. Set the options for the component via the items.editorOptions.For further info check the Form API: field
editor-handler String Provides a way to specify a custom editing UI for the value of the property. To create the editing UI, use the container parameter.When used as String, defines the editor component type. Set the options for the component via the items.editorOptions.For further info check the Form API: field
field String Maps the item configuration to the model property.
format String The format that is applied to the value before it is displayed. Takes the {0:format} form where format is a standard number format, custom number format, standard date format or a custom date format.
group String Sets the name of the group to which the property will belong, if grouping is enabled. Only root level items can be grouped.
template String The template which is rendered for the property's value.
template-handler String The template which is rendered for the property's value.
template-id String The template which is rendered for the property's value.
template-view IHtmlContent The template which is rendered for the property's value.
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