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    <messages />


Tag Name Details
editable OrgChartEditableSettingsTagHelper
messages OrgChartMessagesSettingsTagHelper
orgchart-datasource OrgChartDataSourceTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
as-child-component Boolean
cards-colors String[] An array of strings defining the cards top-border color for each level starting from the top level. If not set, the colors from the Kendo Chart series will be used.
datasource-id String The Id of the data source.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
as-module Boolean
group-field String Specifies the field the nodes should be grouped by. If any value is passed, the OrgChart uses its grouping rendering mode.
group-header-template String Provides an option to customize the default template for the group label (using the field value and name by default).
group-header-template-handler String Provides an option to customize the default template for the group label (using the field value and name by default).
group-header-template-id String Provides an option to customize the default template for the group label (using the field value and name by default).
group-header-template-view IHtmlContent Provides an option to customize the default template for the group label (using the field value and name by default).
has-client-component Boolean
on-cancel String Triggered when the user is about to cancel the changes for the currently edited node. Preventable.
on-change String Triggered when the selected node has been changed upon user interaction.
on-collapse String Triggered before a node has been collapsed upon user interaction. Preventable.
on-create String Triggered when a node is about to be created upon user interaction. Preventable.
on-data-binding String Triggered before the actual change in the dataSource occurs. Preventable.
on-data-bound String Triggered after the dataSource change event has been processed (adding/removing/loading/editing items).
on-delete String Triggered when a node is about to be deleted as of a consequence of user interaction. Preventable.
on-edit String Triggered when a node is about to enter edit mode upon user interaction. Preventable.
on-expand String Triggered before a node has been expanded upon user interaction. Preventable.
on-save String Triggered when the user attempts to save the current changes on the edited node. Preventable.
on-select String Triggered when the user attempts to select a new node or group of nodes (in grouped scenario). Preventable.
sanitize-id Boolean
script-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
template String Defines a node card template.
template-handler String Defines a node card template.
template-id String Defines a node card template.
template-view IHtmlContent Defines a node card template.
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