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    <lineargauge-scale-line />
    <lineargauge-scale-major-ticks />
    <lineargauge-scale-minor-ticks />


Tag Name Details
lineargauge-scale-labels LinearGaugeScaleLabelsSettingsTagHelper
lineargauge-scale-line LinearGaugeScaleLineSettingsTagHelper
lineargauge-scale-major-ticks LinearGaugeScaleMajorTicksSettingsTagHelper
lineargauge-scale-minor-ticks LinearGaugeScaleMinorTicksSettingsTagHelper
lineargauge-scale-ranges LinearGaugeScaleSettingsRangesTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
major-unit Double The interval between major divisions.
max Double The maximum value of the scale.
min Double The minimum value of the scale.
minor-unit Double The interval between minor divisions.
mirror Boolean Mirrors the scale labels and ticks. If the labels are normally on the left side of the scale, mirroring the scale will render them to the right.
range-placeholder-color String The default color for the ranges.
range-size Double The width of the range indicators.
reverse Boolean Reverses the axis direction - values increase from right to left and from top to bottom.
vertical Boolean The position of the gauge.
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