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    <filterable />
    <sortable />


Tag Name Details
columns GridColumnTagHelper
commands GridColumnTagHelper
datasource DataSourceTagHelper
filterable GridColumnTagHelper
groupable GridColumnTagHelper
sortable GridColumnTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
column-menu Boolean
columns GridNestedColumnsTagHelper
commands GridColumnCommandsTagHelper
datasource DataSourceTagHelper
draggable Boolean
editable String
editor String
encoded Boolean
exportable GridColumnExportableSettingsTagHelper
field String
filterable GridColumnFilterableSettingsTagHelper
footer-html-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
footer-template String
footer-template-handler String
format String
grid GridTagHelper
groupable Boolean
groupable-settings GridColumnGroupableSettingsTagHelper
group-footer-template String
group-footer-template-handler String
group-header-column-template String
group-header-column-template-handler String
group-header-template String
group-header-template-handler String
header-html-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
header-template String
header-template-handler String
hidden Boolean
hide-on-group Boolean
html-attributes IDictionary<String,Object> The html attributes handler.
html-attributes-handler String The html attributes handler.
lockable Boolean
locked Boolean
media String
menu Boolean
min-resizable-width Int32
min-screen-width Int32
resizable Boolean If set to false the column will become non-resizable, while all the other columns remaining resizable in the the grid component. In order for this property to work, grid's resizable functionality must be enabled.
selectable Boolean
sortable GridColumnSortableSettingsTagHelper
stickable Boolean
sticky Boolean
template String
template-handler String
text-field String
title String
value-field String
values IEnumerable
visible Boolean
width Int32
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