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    <range />


Tag Name Details
range GanttViewRangeSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
date DateTime If set to some date and it is between the range start and range end of the selected view, the timeline of the currently selected view is scrolled to start from this date.Overrides the date option of the gantt.
day-header-template String The template used to render the day slots in "day" and "week" views.
day-header-template-handler String The template used to render the day slots in "day" and "week" views.
day-header-template-id String The template used to render the day slots in "day" and "week" views.
day-header-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the day slots in "day" and "week" views.
month-header-template String The template used to render the month slots in "month" and "year" views.
month-header-template-handler String The template used to render the month slots in "month" and "year" views.
month-header-template-id String The template used to render the month slots in "month" and "year" views.
month-header-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the month slots in "month" and "year" views.
resize-tooltip-format String The format used to display the start and end dates in the resize tooltip.
selected Boolean If set to true the view will be initially selected by the Gantt widget. The default selected view is "day".
slot-size Double The size of the time slot headers. Values are treated as pixels.
time-header-template String The template used to render the time slots in "day" view
time-header-template-handler String The template used to render the time slots in "day" view
time-header-template-id String The template used to render the time slots in "day" view
time-header-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the time slots in "day" view
type GanttViewType The view type. Supported types are "day", "week", "month" and "year".
week-header-template String The template used to render the week slots in "week" and "month" views.
week-header-template-handler String The template used to render the week slots in "week" and "month" views.
week-header-template-id String The template used to render the week slots in "week" and "month" views.
week-header-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the week slots in "week" and "month" views.
year-header-template String The template used to render the year slots in "year" view.
year-header-template-handler String The template used to render the year slots in "year" view.
year-header-template-id String The template used to render the year slots in "year" view.
year-header-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the year slots in "year" view.
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