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    <editor />
    <planned-tasks />
    <views />


Tag Name Details
actions GanttMessagesActionsSettingsTagHelper
editor GanttMessagesEditorSettingsTagHelper
planned-tasks GanttMessagesPlannedTasksSettingsTagHelper
views GanttMessagesViewsSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
cancel String The text similar to "Cancel" displayed in Gantt.
delete-dependency-confirmation String The text similar to "Are you sure you want to delete this dependency?" displayed in Gantt dependency delete dialog.
delete-dependency-window-title String The text similar to "Delete dependency" displayed in Gantt dependency delete dialog title.
delete-task-confirmation String The text similar to "Are you sure you want to delete this task?" displayed in Gantt task delete dialog.
delete-task-window-title String The text similar to "Delete task" displayed in Gantt task delete dialog title.
destroy String The text similar to "Delete" displayed in Gantt.
save String The text similar to "Save" displayed in Gantt.
select-view String The aria-label of the View select element.
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