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Attribute Type Description
click String Specifies the click event handler of the speed-dial item.
css-class String Specifies a set of CSS classes for the speed-dial item.
enabled Boolean Specifies whether the Item is enabled or not. By default all items are enabled.
icon String Specifies the name for an existing icon in a Kendo UI theme that is rendered in the speed-dial item.See the Web Font Icons help article for more details on Kendo UI icons.
label String Specifies the label for the speed-dial item.
template String Specifies the template used to render the contents of the speed-dial item.The fields which can be used inside the template are: text String - the label of the item (if configured). or icon String - the icon specified for this step (if configured)..
template-handler String Specifies the template used to render the contents of the speed-dial item.The fields which can be used inside the template are: text String - the label of the item (if configured). or icon String - the icon specified for this step (if configured)..
template-id String Specifies the template used to render the contents of the speed-dial item.The fields which can be used inside the template are: text String - the label of the item (if configured). or icon String - the icon specified for this step (if configured)..
template-view IHtmlContent Specifies the template used to render the contents of the speed-dial item.The fields which can be used inside the template are: text String - the label of the item (if configured). or icon String - the icon specified for this step (if configured)..
title String Specifies the label for the speed-dial item that will be read by assistive technologies.
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