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    <async />
    <localization />
    <validation />


Tag Name Details
async FileManagerUploadAsyncSettingsTagHelper
localization FileManagerUploadLocalizationSettingsTagHelper
validation FileManagerUploadValidationSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
cancel String Fires when the upload was cancelled while in progress. Upload Events.
clear String Fires when the files are cleared by clicking on the Clear button. Upload Events.
complete String Fires when all active uploads complete—either successfully or with errors. Upload Events.
directory Boolean Enables the selection of folders instead of files.
error String Fires when an upload or remove operation fails. Upload Events.
multiple Boolean Enables (if set to true) or disables (if set to false) the selection of multiple files. If set to false, the user can select only one file at a time.
pause String Fires when the files are cleared by clicking the Pause button. The button is visible if chunksize is set. Upload Events.
progress String Fires when the data about the progress of the upload is available. Upload Events.
remove String Fires when an uploaded file is about to be removed. If the event is canceled, the remove operation is prevented. Upload Events.
resume String Fires when the files are resumed through clicking the Resume button. The button is visible if chunksize is set and the file upload is paused. Upload Events.
select String Fires when a file is selected. Upload Events.
show-file-list Boolean Enables (if set to true) or disables (if set to false) the display of a file listing for the file upload. The disabling of a file listing might be useful if you want to customize the UI. To build your own UI, use the client-side events.
success String Fires when an upload or remove operation is completed successfully. Upload Events.
upload String Fires when one or more files are about to be uploaded. The canceling of the event prevents the upload. Upload Events.
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