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    <line />
    <major-grid-lines />
    <major-ticks />
    <minor-grid-lines />
    <minor-ticks />


Tag Name Details
chart-y-axis-item-title ChartYAxisTitleSettingsTagHelper
crosshair ChartYAxisCrosshairSettingsTagHelper
labels ChartYAxisLabelsSettingsTagHelper
line ChartYAxisLineSettingsTagHelper
major-grid-lines ChartYAxisMajorGridLinesSettingsTagHelper
major-ticks ChartYAxisMajorTicksSettingsTagHelper
minor-grid-lines ChartYAxisMinorGridLinesSettingsTagHelper
minor-ticks ChartYAxisMinorTicksSettingsTagHelper
notes ChartYAxisNotesSettingsTagHelper
plot-bands ChartYAxisPlotBandsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String The unique axis name. Used to associate a series with a y axis using the series.yAxis option.
axis-crossing-value Object[] Value at which the Y axis crosses this axis. (Only for object)Value indices at which the Y axes cross the value axis. (Only for array)Date at which the Y axis crosses this axis. (Only for date)
background String The background color of the axis.
base-unit String The base time interval for the axis labels. The default baseUnit is determined automatically from the value range. Available options: milliseconds; seconds; minutes; hours; days; weeks; months or years.
categories Object[] The category names. Applicable for charts with X and Y category axes (heatmap).
color String The color of the axis. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.
major-unit Double The interval between major divisions. If this is a date axis the value represents the number of xAxis.baseUnits between major divisions. If the yAxis.type is set to "log", the majorUnit value will be used for the base of the logarithm.
max Object The maximum value of the axis.
min Object The minimum value of the axis.
minor-unit Double The interval between minor divisions. It defaults to 1/5 of the yAxis.majorUnit. If the yAxis.type is set to "log", the minorUnit value represents the number of divisions between two major units and defaults to the major unit minus one.
narrow-range Boolean If set to true the chart will prevent the automatic axis range from snapping to 0. Setting it to false will force the automatic axis range to snap to 0.
pane String The name of the pane that the axis should be rendered in. The axis will be rendered in the first (default) pane if not set.
reverse Boolean If set to true the value axis direction will be reversed. By default values increase from left to right and from bottom to top.
type String The axis type.The supported values are: "numeric" - numeric axis.; "date" - specialized axis for displaying chronological data. or "log" - logarithmic axis..
visible Boolean If set to true the chart will display the y axis. By default the y axis is visible.
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