name |
String |
Sets the name of the component. |
as-child-component |
Boolean |
captcha-id |
String |
The ID of the captcha to be added to the hidden input initially. If not set the handler to reset the ID will be called. |
captcha-image |
String |
The source of an image to be rendered as captcha initially. If not set the handler to reset the image will be called. |
data-captcha-field |
String |
The field that returns the captcha's image source. Used in the handler function/response that resets the captcha's image and id. |
data-captcha-id-field |
String |
The field that returns the captcha's id. Used in the handler function/response that resets the captcha's image and id. |
deferred |
Boolean |
Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method. |
is-in-client-template |
Boolean |
When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute. |
audio-button |
Boolean |
Toggles the audio button. |
for |
ModelExpression |
An expression to be evaluated against the current model. |
has-client-component |
Boolean |
on-change |
String |
Fired when users changes the input of the Captcha component. |
on-error |
String |
Fired when a request triggered by the component fails - can be distinguished via the type argument in the event data. |
on-request-end |
String |
Fired when a request to a handler is finished - can be distinguished via the type argument in the event data. |
on-request-start |
String |
Fired when the captcha makes a request to a handler - can be distinguished via the type argument in the event data. |
reset-button |
Boolean |
Toggles the reset button. |
sanitize-id |
Boolean |
validate-on-blur |
Boolean |
Whether to trigger validation when input is blurred. This option is useful if you are not using the Kendo Validator or the Kendo Form widgets as it enables to automatically trigger remote validation and use the widet's API in custom validation scenario. |
volume-control |
Boolean |
Whether to show a volume control when audio is played. |